Odos - Creature Design by FeatherDragon12 on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Made from a doodle, trying to figure out logistics

What I have so far:

*Live in sea/lake, can breath both air and water but dry out quickly on land so don’t usually wander too far.

*Make shells out of dead coral or porous rock, as a disguise and also to hold water for trips to land.

*Have hard beaks for carving out homes, but can double as defense mechanism. They’re small so it doesn’t do too much damage, but hurts enough most predators will leave them alone afterwards.


*Have four eyes, kinda glow

*3 toed claws/paws

*Have lights along their body, can dim and brighten them for communication

*Coloring: base body is a shade of dark blue, with a lighter underbelly. They have a line of lights the same color as their eyes, and the antenna/other markings are the opposite color of the eyes.

*Originally were a seafaring species, some got lost inland and made homes in rivers and lakes, mostly lakes as rivers carry them away due to their small size

*Sexual Dimorphism: Females have short sharp tails, while males have longer curly tails.

*Sea sub-species has more frilly antennae, and more clawed paws to hold onto rocks when the current picks up

*Home environment: Sea, Lakes, Island, possibly Plains