Fernblossom User Profile | DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Deviation Spotlight

don't you know. by Fernblossom, visual art


Super Llama: Llamas are awesome! (30)

My Bio

Once upon a time, there was an awful country, where a girl lived in relative peace. Although she was neither impoverished nor indangered, she loathed the place she lived. Still, she would always get by, even through the pulls and tugs of high school, comings and goings of friends, and ever-present teenage angst. Notoriously lazy, the girl rarely put a bit of effort forth into her life, therefore often gains nothing at all from it, making her truly wonder what will become of her.
But for now, nothing. She thrives in moderate boredom, waiting for life to sweep her up and carry her away.

Current Residence: Far, far away
Favourite genre of music: indie hipster shit
MP3 player of choice: Yellow iPod Nano
Favourite cartoon character: Flapjack and/or Jake the dog
Personal Quote: "I'm mad because I can't see my forhead."

Favourite Visual Artist


Favourite Bands / Musical Artists


Favourite Writers

Tamora Pierce

Tools of the Trade

Medium Wacom Bamboo Tablet, Pencil, ~*~A BEAUTIFUL MIND~*~

Other Interests

Napping, Procrastination, X-treme Sneezing, Chillin'

yo yo yo if you are following me and would like to continue following me I have a new deviantart ~ccarry (https://www.deviantart.com/ccarry) :iconccarry: :iconccarry: do it ya punk ass

I HAVENT WRITTEN A JOURNAL SINCE LAST CHRISTMAS AHHHHH yeah actually I dont care at all but well it looked really dusty up in here so I'm cleaning out my dA of all the bullshit that I hate (and leaving some bullshit that I hate) and scrapping and deleting and also just gonna make a new journal entry for shits n giggles. did I tell you guys I got a new computer? I did, it's a lovely piece of technology and windows 7 is rad and all that UNFORTUNATELY my photoshop was lost in the process so that's actually a really great excuse for my not submitting anything in 59760439 years so suck on that eheheh!!!! okay anyway I do have a job now and I d

so uh, hey guys. :3 happy holidays! if you celebrate christmas, I hope you had a nice one yesterday~ if any of you are still watching me, why on earth are you still watching me? I mean really. I haven't submitted anything in monthsss. but that's not to say I haven't been drawing, because I draw and paint all the time. it's just that my scanner isn't good enough for me to start submitting traditional art here all the time, and I really just can't tolerate photoshop elements or my shoddy piece-of-shit tablet in order to create decent digital art. so the moral of the story is that if you're holding your breath for me to submit something, don'

Profile Comments 579

Hi there, it's me Sylvan! ^^

Thank you for the watch on my natural history account. :)

Thank you very much for the faves : )

i started a donation pool! , plz donate