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Blue Archive - Asuna's Rescue Operation

Sensei sighed and leaned back in their chair, looking over the pile of paperwork that would keep them busy for at least another 2 hours, assuming someone didn’t come by with another stack. Lacing their fingers behind their head and staring at the ceiling, their mind trailed lazily over a list of students that could be sent to aid Asuna. It definitely doesn’t help that C&C were easily the best option for trouble around Millennium and I can’t use them. With a groan of annoyance and a pinch to the bridge of their nose, Sensei sat back up straight, deciding on someone who should work. *** Kayoko smirked to herself a little, happy that Sensei was relying on her, and also relieved it was a simple job and not too far of a trip from the street she’d happened to be on already. As she pivoted down a turn and made her way towards Millennium, she thought how it would be a little fun to tease Asuna a bit for getting caught in such a compromising position as one of the extremely professional