Aine Connolly - Attack on Titan OC by FiammaJoule on DeviantArt (original) (raw)


I wanted to color it in a style similar to the anime, so yeah. HAH. I LOVE HER. MY LITTLE IRISH-MIXED GAL <3Lazy wings are lazy.

I want sleep, guys, bye <3


HERE'S HER INFO, DOLLS: It's not completely finished and sorted out, but this is a very basic draft of everything! C:

Name: Áine Ariella Connolly (pronounced Awn-yeh Air-e-l-la Con-nully) [birth name] / Arielle Connolly-Pierce (after being adopted by her godparents)

Meaning: "radiance"; “Lioness of God”; “eagle”; “fearless”

Nickname(s): Anna (pronounced Ah-na), Ellie, Lala, Arielle, Ari, Elle, Ella

Alias (if any): Marksman Connolly; Eagle

Age: 23

Gender: Female

Species: Human

Birthday: March 23rd

Birthplace (Which Wall, What town, etc.): Stohees District, Wall Sina

Current Residence (Which Wall, What town, etc.): Trost District, Wall Rose

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual/Straight

Marital Status (Single, Married, etc.): Single

Nationality: Irish, Caribbean (I decided that she no longer has Filipino in her~)

Language(s) spoken: English, Irish Gaelic, German

Life-Long Dream: To live a happy, peaceful life without fear, happily married with children and reasons to celebrate living.

Goal(s): At first, to keep the innocent safe from all dangers; now, to destroy the Titan existence and save the innocent from the corrupted.

Affiliation: Survey Corps. (Scouting Legion)

Former Affiliation: Garrison (Stationary Guard)

Grad. Rank: 2nd in the 97th Trainees [Three years prior to the start of AoT]

Grad. Path: Military Police

Number of Titans Killed: 37 kills; 59 assists (as of post-57th expedition)

Status (Alive, Missing, etc.): Alive

Like(s): Making dolls and teddy bears for the children of the villages and towns, as well as flower crowns for the girls and toy swords for the boys.

Dislike(s): TITANS; the corrupted Military Police; black tea

Bad Habit(s): Daydreams often; bites her lip when nervous; will make flower crowns even when out on an expedition; can be quite carefree, much like Hanji, to everyone’s dismay.

Hobbies: Archery; flower-arranging; sewing; martial arts.

Fear(s): Claustrophobia; losing the people she cares for the most all over again

Personality: Far from shy, Aine is a real riot! She's comfortable with speaking her mind, even around her superiors, but will always respect them if they are worthy of her respect. She is incredibly cheerful, which is probably the reason she gets along so well with Hanji, despite being freaked out by the older woman's obsession with titans, and has an incredible will to live - if not for herself, for the people she wishes to protect throughout her future. Aine nearly never shows weakness. She tries to keep her tough act going as she refuses to show when she is physically or emotionally pained. She tends to bottle up her negative feelings, only letting her anger fly when she battles titans. Aine is very dependable as a team member and her fearlessness combined with her brutality makes her out as a force to be reckoned with. Of course, all of this does not come without Aine's, sometimes, reckless behavior. She easily becomes impulsive and malicious when around titans, and her sarcastic nature is truly something that could piss off even the most tolerant person. All in all, Aine's humble confidence and reliability, as well as her brutality against titans and instincts, make her into a real charm, which is why she was recently granted a squad leader title of the Survey Corps as of the 56th expedition.


Food(s): Pork buns and peppermint tea

Color(s): Earthy colors such as blues, greens, beiges, and browns.

Season(s): Spring

Time of Day: Sunrise and sunset


Height: 158cm; 5’2

Weight: 58kg; 130lbs

Hair style: Usually in a high ponytail with her bangs swept to the left side of her face and two small bundles of hair on either side of her frame.

Hair Color: Reddish-brown, almost like a rich auburn. It’s clearly closer to red than it is to brown, most probably due to her father's dominant Irish genetics in her blood.

Eye Color: Pastel green

Skin Tone: A mocha-like skintone.

Body Shape/Build: She has an athletic body type, though she is slender. Thanks to the years of excessive 3DMG usage, she has a subtle six-pack hiding beneath her clothes.

Birth Marks: One at the hinge of her right arm and another on the left side of her lower back. She also has two beauty marks, one on either side of her face, just under the corner of her eyes.

Scar(s): A single scar on her mid-back section spanning from one side to the next.


Memory: She remembers every single thing she has been through, and they have certainly made her stronger in every aspect, though her emotional state may be becoming critical. Her memories cause her to sometimes become incredibly cynical when fighting Titans.

Sight: Her eyesight is so perfect and precise, it makes her archery skills extremely valuable. She nearly never misses a target thanks to the precision her eyesight gives. Her perception mixed with her precision also allows her to capture moving targets with accuracy.

Mental: Whether she knows it or not, Aine suffers from depression. She doesn’t realize it as she is so busy keeping on a happy façade around everyone she is surrounded by. She is slowly, but surely, pushing past the needless depression, finding a greater cause in her existence.

Physical: Aine keeps as good care of her body as she possibly can, but will, every now and again, abuse it with training.

Sleep patterns: She tends to sleep on her side, curled up in feeble position. When she sleeps is when she is at her most vulnerable and when others can see just how mentally and emotionally torn up she is. Sometimes Aine will oversleep and other times she won’t be able to sleep at all. It’s always a gamble. Make no mistake, however, she loves to sleep.

Abilities/Statistics (1- lowly skilled, 10- highly skilled)-

3D Maneuvering Gear: 10; Aine has been skilled with the 3DMG since before she began in the Trainee Corps thanks to Leon, a Garrison soldier she had dated in the past - before the breach of Wall Maria.

Intelligence: 5; Aine isn’t stupid, but she also isn’t a scholar. Though she looks into books and reads a great deal, she trains her fighting capabilities much more than her book smarts.

Martial Arts: 8; When Aine isn’t training her 3DMG, she is practicing martial arts. She is a highly trained and talented fighter, especially due to her scary aggression.

Battle Skill: 9; Between her expertise in the 3DMG and her high martial arts level, Aine’s battle skills were sure to be quite exceptional.

Agility: 8; She is on the faster side of the scale. Not a speed demon, but noticeably fast compared to the others in Recon and most definitely those in the Garrison and Military Police.

Strategy: 8; She is quite good at strategizing, liking the challenge of tactics. Most of her strategies come from instincts.

Teamwork: 4; Aine is not a bad team player - in fact, she nearly has double the assists she has of solo kills thanks to the many times she has saved soldiers from the grips of Titans - but working with people makes her uncomfortable over the thought that she may not be able to save or even protect them when the moment counts. Thus, she keeps her team-mating to a bare minimum, preferring to save her team members and continue on alone.//This changes once she becomes a squad leader, as she puts her full faith in her able team.

Passion: 10; Her passion is as strong as a wildfire without rain. Aine fights and fights and fights for what she believes in and would literally die before giving it up.

Total: 62/80


Parent(s): Angus Connolly (father) [Status: Unknown]; Karilyn Connolly (mother) [Status: Deceased]

Sibling(s): Adrian Connolly (older twin brother) [Status: Unknown]

Other Relative(s): Claude Pierce (uncle) [Status: Alive]; Dara Connolly-Pierce (aunt) [Status: Alive]

Significant Other: Aine is helplessly in love with Levi Ackerman, but doesn't ever show that kind of affection towards him, choosing to continue being her usual cheerful self. No one would ever guess except for the ever analytical Hanji.

Best Friend(s): Lance (deceased); Rika (deceased)

Friend(s): Most everyone from the Survey Corps. Most of the younger cadets think she is 17 or 18, so talk to her more easily - until they find out she’s actually 23 and a squad leader.

Enemy(ies): N/A

Hero(es): Levi, Erwin, and Hanji, all of who have saved her life at least once.

Rival(s): N/A

History/Life: Not much is known into Aine’s deep past, but from what others DO know, she had lived with her twin brother for as long as they can remember. She was born in the Stohees District and inherited an estate from her, supposedly deceased, parents along with her twin, Adrian. The twins had survived with one another, doing honest work and taking care of each other. They moved to Shiganshina to take care of their godmother and aunt’s flowershop while she went off on a small business trip, which is how they ended up in Wall Maria for a few months. The day of the Wall Maria breach, Aine made a name for herself, being a civilian that took down a titan with marksman-like skills, but she was separated from her brother who was never able to get on the ship that left before a titan infestation took over the docks. Ever since, Aine has been noted to have become much more ruthless than ever before, completely making an upside down from her beautifully flowery personality from before Wall Rose. Somehow ending up as 2nd rank in her divison, Aine chooses to fight for the Garrison, wanting very badly to protect those within the walls by keeping the Titans from outside the walls away. After encountering the Titans face-to-face again, something within her snaps, and she helps the Recon forces take the titans down. During that, Levi sees straight through Aine, stating aloud that she is wearing her brother everywhere she goes. He pinpoints that she wears a green shirt because it was Adrian’s favorite color rather than hers since someone with such green eyes wouldn’t need a green shirt. Their conversation leads Aine to fight for what she truly wants, and that is to completely eradicate titans. To make a peaceful world that others can live in. She switches her green shirt for a teal one, fixes her hair as she likes it, and gives up her Garrison jacket, tearing it in half before putting on her new Survey Corps wings. This all happens before the breach of Wall Rose. Between the time that Aine became a Survey Corps member and the breach of Trost, Aine had certainly made a larger name for herself with her exceptional skills. During the 56th expedition, she is second-in-command of Mike's squad. It is decided during that expedition that, once they returned within the walls, Aine would lead her own squad, making her the fifth squad leader of the Survey Corps.


- Knowing how complicated her name is for others to pronounce, since Irish are rare within the walls, after introducing her birth name to others, she tells them that they can just call her Anna (pronounced Ah-na), if they'd like.
- Has been an archer since she was a child, receiving the lessons from her father.
- Is nerdy and loves books eheheh