Before the storm. by Fiedka on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Fiedka on DeviantArt

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Fiedka's avatar

Published: Aug 20, 2016


najwyższa góra Gruzji, Szchara, na trzy minuty przed ulewnym deszczem./the highest mountain in Georgia - Shkhara, three minutes before the pouring rain./

Image size

1424x2144px 788.59 KB

Shutter Speed

10/1250 second

Date Taken

Jul 28, 2016, 10:33:45 AM


This photo and your words remember me about a Symphony -I don't know if you agree the classical music -
the Symphony of the Alps by Richard Strauss . Like you said here , The composer described by the instruments that strange silence before the tempest
and after the tempest itself , there the symphony orchestra open its power giving a great emotion and tension .
If you have time , you can find on internet , you tube the Symphony of Alps and remember your trip on that mountain .
In the Symphony , in the early very early morning after the night the Sun , little by little is growing up from darkness
and the mountain's smog little by little discover the great mountains in their majesty and in the same way the symphony is finished with the same leitmotiv
but there the sun descends and little by little the night covers the great rocks .
If you can listen this music and look and remember your experiences on the mountains in Shkhara .