Fifi-X-Furrball | DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Comments 33

Okay, I'd like to point out that I may have overreacted, but see, I had some reasons, and it'd take too long to explain at this moment.

Bad news! This club is being threatened by this:…

I haven't read it yet, because I'm too scared to, and I really like both Fifi and Furrball, but I have a feeling that it's slandering them, AND the pairing.

Since the pairing's getting less popular, and this is going to make everyone hate both of them, because apparently it's been done by big nerds, this club will have to shut down.

You Can't Fight The Future. :(

So because one person has a different opinion - which you admit you didn't read, so you don't even know the details of it - the whole club's going to shut down? That's ridiculous.

Seriously dude, calm down. Just because one person doesn't like the pairing of Fifi and Furrball (I assume that's what it is? The journal in question apparently has been taken down), that doesn't mean it's the end of the world. It doesn't mean the pairing's getting less popular - or even if it does, so what? You can still like it, and so can we. You can still write about it and draw it if you want to, and so can we.

People in other fandoms ship different pairings all the time. It's not a big deal.

Well, actually, it's because there has been less activity related to the couple going on, I was worried that the couple was getting less popular, but then, there's some so-called info on a nerdy website called TV Tropes which "explains" everything about certain shows, that people usually look to, and because there still aren't a whole lot of people who pay attention to the show, namely viewers of this generation, they might look to it first, and I was worrying that anyone who likes the two, a couple or otherwise, would be considered stupid.

I mean, I heard there's some info that's not really respectable about Fifi or Furrball on the website, if you look under "Base Breakers," "Designated Monkey," or "The Woobie."

That's why I was so concerned; I like them very much, but I didn't want to be thought of as an idiot living in his own world, just because they pay more attention to every single detail. That was all. I mean, a lot of people pay attention to TV Tropes. It wasn't just one person disagreeing I was worried about, it was a whole organization...somewhat, not really an organization, but you know what I mean. It's metaphorical.

I mean, I think I saw a comment that said someone was getting tired of the pairing, and I thought that opinion was generalized. A lot of opinions are followed and generalized, that does happen a lot. Though I still thought some rolled their eyes at the idea of this club.

Anyway, I've decided not to let TV Tropes get to me, and still continue liking the characters (as a couple or otherwise), and still continue any projects I have that feature the pairing. It was all thanks to the help and encouragement of a few friends.

TV Tropes has been around forever, bro. All they do is collect examples of 'tropes' - things that commonly show up in works of fiction and such. That's it. They're not really responsible for a show's popularity, and even if TV Tropes wasn't a thing, people are still going to have opinions on shows/cartoons/video games/whatever. So it's kind of silly to put the blame on TV Tropes.

If you don't want people to think that you're an "idiot living in his own world", then maybe don't freak out every time you come across an opinion that's different than yours. Just because someone, or even a lot of someones, feels differently about something than you do, doesn't mean that they hate you or think you're stupid. Even if your opinion is in the minority (in this case, it probably isn't), you still have a right to express it, and you still have a right to like the things you like without getting ridiculed for it.

Even then, there are people who are going to be assholes no matter what you like. They're everywhere, in every fandom, so no sense in worrying about them or what they think. Just own up to what you like, rock it, report/block the people who actually DO personally attack you, and enjoy the company of those who also like what you like - as well as those who don't, but who are respectful to you anyway.