Pixel - The Valley by firstfear on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

firstfear on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/firstfear/art/Pixel-The-Valley-793252028firstfear

Deviation Actions

firstfear's avatar

Published: Apr 10, 2019


This was supposed to be my header image for Dark Mode, but for some reason Deviantart RESIZES the image larger and cuts off the bottom and sides?? What in the world is the point of doing that to an image on an art site. Like seriously.

Caity, and Bunce and Friends are (c) me

Image size

1600x800px 50.78 KB

KBtheBearcat's avatar

So pretty and cute! If this were a game or something (like Putt-Putt or Reader Rabbit) I’d wanna play it!