Nocturne by Flaylda on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

I am the Night. Cradling your Nightmares in my arms.


...I've officially turned into a psychopath-lover. Seriously.
Lately, I can't draw anything but creepy characters :P

Did this out of boredom, and a practice for cheat-drawing. The cheats I used? Paint Daubs, Liquify, Color Burn, and many, many else ^-^

He's Nocturne, a character I developed with the younger of :icondievegge: sisters. He's still underdeveloped, but several things are clear: he's an upper-class demon - one of Lucifer's favorites, in fact - who happen to be in charge of a mysterious 'agency'. This agency, whose office could only be found by people with a great deal of grudge in their heart, has one purpose, that is to 'deliver' the client's grudge by killing/torturing the people on whom the grudge is directed. Yeah, it sound pretty similar to Hell Girl's scenario, but it isn't. The clients have to pay something in return, but it isn't their soul. Furthermore, the agency consists of several experienced assassins who are all capable of reaping human souls, except that they don't take the souls to their rightful place.

By the way, 'Nocturne' isn't his real name. In the agency, rather than playing the boss, he acts as an usher, and a butler. The 'front-cover' boss is a she-demon, whom Nocturne controls from the dark.

He has the night under his coat. Yeah, the night. As in the night when people sleeps. THE night.

Don't ask me why. It just is.

TOOLS: adobe photoshop CS3, Wacom, about 1 hour