I Think You're Cute! (GTS Growth Story) by flydeadman1 on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Amanda twirled a lock of her long, wavy pink hair nervously as she waited at the café, glancing at the door every few seconds. It was her first blind date in… well, in forever, and she couldn’t help but feel a bit self-conscious. Her friend Sarah had sworn up and down that James was perfect for her, but still, the uncertainty gnawed at her. She’d chosen a yellow turtleneck sweater, blue jeans, and her favorite pair of sandals, hoping the casual look would help her stay relaxed.

But as soon as James walked through the door, all hopes of calm vanished.

He was taller than she’d imagined—probably six feet, with broad shoulders and that sort of effortless style that made her stomach flip. He had dark, messy hair and a smile that was both warm and slightly sheepish, like he was just as nervous as she was. But the moment their eyes met, something strange happened.

Amanda felt a tingle travel down her spine, like a warm wave starting from her toes and slowly creeping upward. Oh no, she thought, her eyes widening as she quickly stood up to greet him, the sudden shift in height more noticeable than she expected. Not again. Not today.

“Hi, you must be James,” she said, trying to keep her voice steady as she extended her hand.

He grinned and shook it, his hand firm but gentle. “That’s me. Amanda, right?”

“Yep.” She smiled back, though the growing sensation hadn’t stopped. In fact, it was becoming pulsing stronger. I was definitely shorter a minute ago, she realized, her heart pounding. Normally, Amanda could keep her growth under control—especially when she was calm. But something about James was setting off a reaction. And it wasn’t just her nerves; it was more like excitement mixed with… attraction.

They sat down at a small table near the window, the afternoon sun casting a warm glow across the café. Amanda shifted in her seat, feeling a little uncomfortable as her jeans seemed to pinch her waist just slightly tighter. Okay, focus, she told herself, trying to push the sensation away. You’re still only 5’5”, maybe 5’6” now. Nothing too noticeable. Just breathe.

“So, how was your day?” James asked, leaning forward a bit. His gaze was steady, his voice relaxed.

Amanda tried to focus on his question, but the feeling of her body subtly stretching distracted her. Her legs felt longer, brushing against the underside of the table, and her sandals felt just a bit snug. “It was good,” she answered, flashing a quick smile. “Work was busy, but nothing too crazy.” She wanted to say more, but she could feel the hem of her yellow sweater creeping up ever so slightly as her torso lengthened, her shoulders broadening beneath the fabric. She could feel her breasts starting fill up her bra. _Not too much, s_he silently pleaded with herself. Just keep it steady.

“And what do you do for work again?” James asked, clearly trying to keep the conversation light, unaware of the internal chaos Amanda was dealing with.

“Marketing,” she said, crossing her legs under the table, but that only made things worse as her knees nudged the tabletop. Definitely growing. “I, uh, help companies brand themselves. Social media, ad campaigns, things like that.”

James nodded, seeming genuinely interested. “That sounds fun. I work in graphic design, so I know how important marketing is for branding. It’s kind of the lifeblood of a business.”

As he spoke, Amanda couldn’t help but feel her heart flutter again. The more she listened to him, the more she liked him—his casual confidence, the way he didn’t take himself too seriously. And the more she liked him, the more that tingling warmth spread through her body. Her jeans were really starting to feel tight now, and she had to shift uncomfortably to keep them from digging into her legs.

I have to get a handle on this, she thought, taking a deep breath. By her best guess, she was probably 5’8” now, maybe even a little more. She glanced at James, hoping he hadn’t noticed anything strange, but he seemed totally unaware. He was leaning back in his chair, completely engrossed in their conversation. She couldn’t tell if he’d noticed that her head now nearly matched his height while sitting, but he didn’t seem fazed.

When they finished their coffees, James smiled and said, “Want to go for a walk? It’s a beautiful day out.”

Amanda’s stomach did a flip. A walk would mean standing, moving, possibly growing more. But she couldn’t say no. Besides, she wanted to spend more time with him. “Sure,” she said, trying to sound as casual as possible, even though the straps of her sandals were practically digging into her enlarging feet.

As they left the café, Amanda stood up, careful not to move too quickly. She glanced at James. How much taller am I now? To her surprise, she was nearly eye-level with him. I must be almost six feet tall.

They strolled through the park, the late afternoon sun casting long shadows. Amanda tried to focus on their conversation, but it was hard. Every step she took, she could feel the fabric of her jeans growing tighter, her feet pressing against the edges of her sandals. Her sweater felt too short now, barely reaching her waistband. She could tell that her legs were longer than before—much longer—and her arms felt like they were slowly pushing out the sleeves of her sweater. Her nipples getting even more sensitive as they pressed harder into her lace bra.

But James hadn’t noticed. He was chatting about his latest design project, completely at ease. Amanda smiled, nodding along, but her mind was elsewhere. Her height had to be nearing six feet now, her head just shy of matching James’s. She glanced down at her feet. Her toes were practically hanging over the edge of her sandals, her feet swollen from the slow, steady growth. I can’t believe this is happening on a date, she thought, biting her lip. But despite the tension, she also couldn’t deny how good it felt to grow.

They reached a bench near the pond and sat down. Amanda tried to make herself smaller, tucking her legs underneath her to hide her height, but there was no denying it—she was almost as tall as James now. The bench creaked under her as she shifted. “So, what’s next for you?” she asked, hoping to keep the conversation going, praying her growth would stall.

“Well,” James said, giving her a thoughtful look, “I was thinking maybe I could see you again?”

Amanda’s heart skipped a beat. “Yeah?” she asked, trying not to sound too excited, but the truth was, she was thrilled.

James smiled, his cheeks flushing slightly. “I’m really enjoying this. And, uh, I was wondering if maybe I could… give you a kiss?”

Oh no. That tingling warmth surged through Amanda’s body again, stronger this time. She could already feel her shoulders pressing against the back of the bench, her legs stretching out in front of her, and her feet now fully over lapping her sandals. But she didn’t want to say no.

“I… I’d like that,” she said, her voice soft.

James leaned in, his lips brushing against hers. The instant they kissed, Amanda felt something snap inside her, as if she’d been holding back a flood. She could no longer control it. Her body surged upward, her spine lengthening as her legs stretched out far beyond the bench. Her jeans split at the seams, and her yellow sweater rode up, no longer able to contain her growing torso as her bra busted off freeing her expanding breasts.

James pulled back, eyes wide with shock as Amanda grew rapidly before him. “Amanda?”

She stood up, towering over him now, her body shooting past ten, then twenty feet tall. She looked down, trying to speak, but her growth wasn’t slowing. She soared past thirty feet, her arms and legs stretching impossibly long as her head reached high into the trees.

James stumbled back, watching shocked as she continued to grow, past forty feet, past fifty, until she was towering over the park at more than sixty feet tall. Her wavy pink hair cascaded down her back in thick waves, her once-modest curves now more pronounced as she gazed down at James with wide, blue eyes.

She took a deep breath, her voice booming but still soft. “James!” she called down, her voice now impossibly deep and resonant, vibrating the air around them. “I didn’t mean for this to happen. I—”

But before she could finish, he laughed—a full, hearty laugh that echoed through the park. “Haha, Amanda, are you kidding? This is incredible!”

She blinked, caught off guard. “It… it is?”

“Yeah!” James said, his grin wide. “I’ve never seen anything like this. I mean, who gets to say they went on a date with a woman who can grow into a giantess! It’s kind of… amazing.”

Amanda felt a rush of relief, warmth spreading through her once again. He wasn’t scared. In fact, he seemed thrilled. And, if she was honest with herself, she was excited too. She liked how it felt—the strength in her limbs, the way she towered over everything. The power was intoxicating.

She straightened up even further, her height passing sixty feet now as she loomed over the park. The trees barely reached her waist, and she could see the entire city sprawled out before her. People in the distance had started to notice, pointing up at her enormous naked body with wide eyes, but Amanda barely paid them any attention. Her focus was entirely on James.

Reaching down, she scooped him up gently, cradling him in her enormous hand. He looked like a doll in her palm, yet he seemed completely at ease, even excited.

“I guess I really did grow on you,” she teased, the corners of her mouth lifting into a grin.

James chuckled, settling comfortably in her hand. “You sure did.”

They stood there for a moment, locked in the surreal reality of the situation. Amanda, now towering over the park like some kind of goddess, and James, nestled safely in her hand, looking up at her like she was the most amazing thing he’d ever seen.

“So… where do we go from here?” Amanda asked, still marveling at her size, her blue eyes twinkling with mischief.

James leaned back against her fingers, completely unfazed by the impossibility of it all. “Well, I’d say we’ve set the bar pretty high for a first date,” he said, smirking. “But if you’re up for it, I’d love to see what happens on a second one.”

Amanda couldn’t help but laugh, her booming voice echoing across the park. “You’re on,” she said, lifting him higher so they were almost face to face. “But next time, I promise I’ll try not to outgrow the whole city.”

James winked. “No promises. I kind of like it.”

Amanda beamed, feeling an undeniable connection between them—a bond that had grown as steadily as she had that evening. For the first time in a long time, she felt like she could truly let herself go… and it felt amazing.

And as they stood together, high above the city, she realized this date had turned out far better than she’d ever imagined.