New Character - Lithex by FoulGarnished on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Hey there, everyone! I wanted to introduce a new character I had the pleasure of working with @Zadoriou on making Lithex, my new "elastic" character. Lithex is a lone wolf heroine who, on top of having run-of-the-mill psychic powers, can also turn any solid object malleable/stretchy/elastic/etc., including her own body!

Lithex also operates closer to an antihero than your traditional superheroine. She's more of a "ends justify the means" type of gal, meaning leaving the baddies a couple of black eyes, bruised bones, and utterly intimidated/terrified is as second nature to her as breathing (so I wouldn't cross her if I were you).

I'm looking forward to posting more art of her in the near future, so thanks again!

Special thanks to @Zadoriou who created Lithex's design

Lithex belongs to @FoulGarnished