naruto uzumaki 5 by frecklesmile on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

hey guys, ok so today was exam day so I'm home early since I have really no class durring 6th period. So after the first test, one of my greatest pals and I were playing our pokemon games together and her being SUPER nice, gave me a bulbasour! Thank you very much! It even came with a really cute name, Thorn. I mean, how adorable is that?

Ok so if you look closely in this picture, in the rock, you might find some random facial expressions. Why you ask? Well, quite simple, I don't know. It pretty much just showed up when I went to color it. See if you can find them all. HINT: most faces are on the left side of the picture.

naruto is not mine, but it i masashi kishimoto's.

Oh and if you're reading this, please do me a favor and choose an answer for my poll. Trust me they're funny, but I don't know what to do with my webcam.