Mari Aguilar by frostlyflame on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

General Info:
Name: Mari Aguilar
Nickname: No nickname
Alias/Codename: No codename
Physical age: 17
Mental age: 17
Date of Birth: 10/04/2018
Place of Birth: Zimvale, Etrya
Where is their hometown/home/habitat: Her current hometown is Tamnu, Zimvale
What is their occupation and how do they like like it: She doesn't have a job
Gender: Female
Race/Species: Humans
Star Sign: Aries
Language(s): English

Height: 161.8 cm
Weight: 137.4 lbs
Eyes colors: Blue
Sclera colour: White
Hair color: Dark Teal
Hair style: Medium hair
Skin Color: Pale skin
Any Scars: No scar
Birthmarks: No birthmarks
Any Tattoos: She have a tattoo like mark on her right hand that was form by vostralt gas
Any Piercings: No piercings
Do they wear any jewellery: No
Choice of clothing: She like to wear a coat, turtle neck tops and skirts
Any accessories: She wear a silver haircilp

What is their personality like: She have a gentle personality but when she changed to her battle attire, her personality changed to be serious
What do they like about their personality:
What do they hate about their personality: She hate that her normal personality and her battle personality sometime get switched
Do they put on a fake personality: No
What do they likes: Rain, Music
What do they dislikes: Bugs, Waking up in the middle of the night
What are their hobbies: Playing the guitar, cooking
Favorite food: strawberries
Least favorite food: Shiitake mushrooms
Favorite color: Light blue

Physical characteristics:
Have any inherited characteristics: No
Mannerisms: She Bit her nails when she is nervous
Voice: She have a medium sounding voice
Do they use slang, idioms, swear words: She does use swear words but only when she is in her battle personality
What are their good habits: Regular Physical Exercise, Cook home cooked nutritious meals from scratch, Exploring Nature
What are their bad habits: Skipping Breakfast, Talking To Yourself, Sleeping-in
Any physical disabilities: No physical disabilities
Allergies: No Allergies
Sexual preferences: She is Heterosexual
Are they able to bleed?: Yes
What color is their blood?: Red
Are they right handed, left handed or ambidextrous: She is right handed
Are they athletic: She is very athletic but that mainly thanks to the vostralt gas
Do they need glasses: No

Mental characteristics:
What is their IQ: 103
Do they have any obsessions: No
Are they Ambivert, introvert or extrovert: She is an extrovert
Do they have any mental disorder(s): No
Do they have any trauma: She does have survivors guilt
What are good personality traits that they have: Cautious, Fair, Kind
What are bad personality traits that they have: Unlucky, Easily annoyed
What are their fears: Achluophobia: Fear of darkness, Pyrophobia: Fear of fire

Weapons and equipment/gadgets:
What is their main weapon: her main weapons is two swords but she also have a spear which is her ultimate weapon
If they have a side weapon what would it be: Her side weapon is a bow
Does any of their weapons have any abilities: Her bow can shoot arrows that can freeze her opponents
Does any of thier weapons have history: No
What equipment do they used(armor, shield): No
Do they used any gadgets: No

Powers and abilities:
What kind of powers do they have: Super speed, enhanced durability, dimension creation, weapon materialising
Do their powers have any restrictions: Some of her powers can't be used without using a vostralt seal
Can they lose cotrol of they powers: No
Do their powers have any weaknesses: No
Are there any conditions to unlock their powers: No
Do they have any natural abilities: No
Do they have any hidden abilities: No

Do they have parents: Yes she did have parents
If so, are the parents alive: Sadly they have died
are they adopted: Yes
If they were adopted, were they adopted by their extended family or by someone unrelated: She was adopted by her grandparents
Do they have siblings or are they an single child: She have an older sister who is in a coma
Do they have friends: She only have a few friends
Have they lose contact with any of their friends: No
Do they have pets: She have a pet cat called Juma
Have any of their pets passed away: No
How do they feel about their co-workers, employers, employees:
Do they have any accomplices/partners: No
Do they have enemies: Yes, the underground organization called Eclipse and vostralt monsters

Background: When she was 14, she was kidnapped by an underground organization called Eclipse for human experimentation. Three years later the Laboratory that she was confined to suddenly explode, destroying buildings and taking a lots of lives with her and a few other test subjects surviving
Any major events in the character's past or current life that they have not forgotten: All the experiments she was forced to do and the Laboratory explosion
Any major events in the character's past or current life that they want to forget: All the pain she felt during the experiments
Are there any events in their past that haunt this character: When she was being experimented on with vostralt gas
Do they have any personal secrets about their past?: Yes
Are there things they don't know about their past?: No
Do they regret anything about their past: Yes

What do they want to achieve in their life: To stop Eclipse from doing anymore experiments and to save people from the vostralt monsters
Why do they want to do this and how to they plan achieve it: She doesn't want anyone to experience what she have and she plan to bring the person behind the organization to justice
How long have they wanted this: When she found out her powers
Do they have any other desires: She does want to be a professional guitar player
How do they react to being successful: She smile and get all excited
How do they react when something have failed: She clench her fists in either anger or saddness
Do they Feel like they are chosen/destined to do something: No

What primary function do they serve in the story(protagonist, antagonist, side character, mentor): Protagonist
How important are they to the main storyline: Very important
How often do they appear in the storyline: Very often
Any additional information: When she used a vostralt seal, she will feel a rush of tiredness and one of the seal will disappeared and reappeared after a few day but if she used all three of them at the same time she will fall in a deep sleep for a few days or a week