Caligari-Passive Cesare by FroudTheXenophile on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

FroudTheXenophile's avatar

Published: Mar 3, 2007


A passive soul in the thorns of a cruel and muderous game...

What amazes me in the film "The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari" is how passive Conrad Veidt portrayed Cesare. Seeing him in "Casablanca", I began my crush on the actor, despite the fact of him having died a day and 42 years before I was born. I borrowed the library's copy of "Caligari" to see his previous work. The contrasts between his two characters are interesting. On one end, we have Cesare, the passive tool of an insane man, and Major Strasser, a willing and cruel tool of another insane man and the model by which Nazis stereotypes follow to this day.

Drawn by hand, colored in Photoshop.

Image size

537x789px 91.51 KB