Warriors Shipping Meme by Fruttistdar on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Ah, another meme. I've wanted to do this one for a long time, and now I did it.^^ This will probably be my last picture I submit here before submitting a picture for :iconthewarriorswithin: contest.

But about the meme:

1. Yep. LionxHeather is currently my most fav. OTC.:love: I re-designed Heathertail. Now I like her tabbymarkings better.^^

2. Hear it from Fluttershy!

3. I wanted to do South Park, but someone already did that, so I did the change of plans... Not my best anthro-cats in here, but they'll do.U_U

4. For long I've wanted to do something like this and now I was able to. :iconoverlyjoyedplz: If I would've been in more creative mood, I'd invested in their clothes more.:)

5. Yay! We all love genderbend don't we!:dummy: I failed a bit with their body types, since ThunderClan cats are descriped being muscular and heavy and WindClan cats are said all to be pretty slender and thin so they are able to run faster, and in this Heathertail/Hawktail is a bit too muscular.:/ Well, atleast he's a handsome tom. It's not easy for little Lightblaze/Lionblaze to resist his acts of flirt.:XD:

6. There. These are just my opinions and you can agree or desegree with them.

Like I've already said, this is my second favorite Lionshipping. I've always liked Icecloud as a character and wished for a bigger part for her in the series and the idea of them together just seems cute.:3 And I still believe she has or atleast have had a crush on him. It gives her more personality and I am fond of the idea of young Icecloud having a crush on this handsome and heronic Lionblaze, but she's too shy to admid it.:aww: I don't have anything based on this against Cinderheart, I just simply like LionxIce more.

This must be totally new for everyone (or not but anyways).
I don't actually ship this, it's just that..well....I just don't see Heathertail being with Breezepelt.:/ I like Breezepelt so that's not it and I don't have anything against it that he could get a mate in the future...It's just...I don't no... Heathertail and Breezepelt could be cute together, but he's right now into that all "evil"-stuff. And I want that if Heathertail couldn't be with Lionblaze, she could be with a cat worthy of her (I don't personally see Breezepelt being that cat), someone who's brave, kind and sweet. I actually chose Harespring, because I couldn't find any other tom-cat than Breezepelt close to her age.X'3 But you gotta admid that they look cute together don't they?>:D

7. At this part I learned that I should always ALWAYS read the directions before doing anything.-__-' You see, I first only thought that I'd had to draw them in douple date with someone, so I drawed my newest fav couple (HollyxMouse) here. Luckyly I noticed that and changed the couple.:phew:
HollyxBreeze. I never liked this couple a bit, not even when I didn't know that they shared a same father. I just...Well I just didn't saw any "spark" between them.:/

8. FirexBlue...I liked this couple as a crackshipping. Firestar ironically belongs in my favorite warriors (not in the top 10, but still) and sometimes I just can't stand him!:shakefish: And Bluestar, well, I was never that big of a fan of her. I mean, she was cool, but not so cool that I could say that I LOVED her.:P Then she became crazy after tFoS. And then it happened. I fell in love with the crazy Bluestar.:love: It's funny cuz I don't really care that much about the regular Blustar, but I absolutely love the crazy one.:XD: And that's why I drawed here crazy Bluestar and scared Fireheart who's about to get molested by his old master...poor thing.X3

Warriors by: Erin Hunter
Meme by: :iconcreepymushroom:
Blank: [link]