Carmen And Kara by FudgeX02 on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Carmen does an interview with any clients prior to training them to be in her personal bodybuilding program. Once she gets to know them a bit, she judges whether or not they seem like the type of person willing to go through the extreme changes her training will bring on, and if she thinks they've got potential to weather the years-long program, she lets them sign up.

The fee isn't anywhere near what it should be for the amount of time and training that her trainees receive, but it is noticeable because Carmen is trying to check and make sure the client can actually afford to "live big". If they balk at the price, they auto-fail the interview on the premise that they can't afford the food and medical costs. If they stop paying, it's an easy way for Carmen to tell something is wrong either financially or mentally, and check in with them during the program.

If they balk at the idea of steroids, if they flinch or voice doubt about using them for a moment, they auto-fail. Carmen's open to being surprised with another natural genius...but she's not training people on the assumption that they can magically become 700 pounds in a few years. Carmen's intention is to transform her clients through a tried-and-true method, and that method requires drugs. The routine is basically hers, but with the dosages and frequency of use tuned down for more "normal" PED tolerances. She doesn't just train bodybuilders, but she hasn't run into anything resembling Lilly in thousands of clients, so for bodybuilders, PEDs are mandatory.

Carmen has no biases for training level when approached for her bodybuilding program. She'll change your routine if you're a string bean or a walrus, but after training Lilly, Carmen refuses to assume if someone can or can't do the regimen solely based on their starting fitness. She also makes it extremely clear that "I want to look like you!" or "I want to look like that hulk with the ponytail!" are not results that she is offering. The largest physique she will promise to push someone is the low end of the superheavyweight category, 225 pounds, man or woman. Anything past that is up to genetics, and she usually warns that trying to look like her will definitely kill you from the steroid abuse. She refuses to share her cycle because she knows it's stupid, and she's seen her contemporaries bite it while using far less than what she cruises with. Carmen knows what makes her special, and she doesn't want to try to find out if anyone else is like her.
