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Naruto's Robo-Harem Chapter 5

Naruto’s Robo-Harem: Chapter 5 By: jungleboy69 Chapter 5: Naruto and Hinata-Bot's Session (WARNING! LEMON CHAPTER! DO NOT READ IF BELOW AGE 18!!!) Naruto was giddy with excitement, he was looking at Sakura-Bot and Hinata-Bot who were now in shut-down mode. After dinner, he was planning to have some fun with Hinata-Bot. He cupped the black-haired fembot by her chin and lifted up her head. He couldn’t help but blush at how cute she looked. “Never thought I would get two pretty fembots...” He murmured. He enjoyed feeling the soft, smooth cheeks of Hinata-Bot. He smirked as he pointed the remote at her. “Time to have some fun!” He snickered and pressed the button. Once more, the LED lights flashed and Hinata-Bot stood upright. “Hinata. Bot. Activated.” She spoke emotionlessly. “What. Is. Your. Order. Master. Naruto?” Naruto grinned. “How about you lift your skirt for me” He asked. “Affirmative, Master. Naruto.” Hinata-Bot replied as she stiffly reached the edge of her