PKMNation: Midsummer Night's Heracross by fushigiseeds on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

for :iconpkmnation:

Chell invited Tale from the Storm's Ashes Measure to the Midsummer Moon viewing. They liked Tale and understood life on their ranch could get a little stressful, so they figured a nice romantic outing would be fun! Plus, they wanted to try and flirt their way into being more than just "business parnters". Unfortunately, Chell's own Pokemon


to come along. Cassidy was well-behaved and enjoyed flying under the moonlight with Nix. However, Lumiel would not leave Tale's side the entire night and spent his time entertaining her and Zina. Poor Chell didn't have a chance to make any moves with the annoying beetle in the way. Mental note: NEVER bring Lumiel to dates.


Taking part in this month's theme featuring Loumun-Versen
Hope you like it! You have a very lovely trainer and pokemon
I want to start including my affiliates in the monthly themes I take part in. If you want to be an affliate with Chell's Studio apply here!

Nix and Cassidy gain 9 levels (chibi+shading+bg+type+event)
Zina gains 10 levels (fullbody+shading+bg+type+event=10 lvl)
Lumiel gains 12 levels (fullbody+shading+bg+type+event+trainer=12 lvl)