Elon Musk As Palmer Eldritch by gaasmosfet on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

gaasmosfet on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/gaasmosfet/art/Elon-Musk-As-Palmer-Eldritch-952455955gaasmosfet

Deviation Actions

gaasmosfet's avatar

Published: Mar 6, 2023


Elon Musk came back from the Proxima system after being initiated by the inhabitants of Proxima II to a new ultra-potent mind-altering drug he calls ChewZ. ChewZ induces a state which transports people into Eldritchs world and detain them there for an indefinite time span, which can last centuries or even millennia.

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894x894px 906.88 KB