Kaleo The Snow Leopard REF SHEET -Update- by GaikotsuLily on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Bio: Kaleo
Name: Kaleo (Kuh-LAY-Oh)
Species: Snow Leopard
Age: 18
Sex: Male
Height: 3'4
Fur Color: White
Eye Color: Milky White Blue ( Resting), Neon Cyan ( Activated)
Skin Color: White
Weight: 62lbs
Birthday: January 21st
Zodiac: Capricorn/Aquarius
Voice: Elijiah Wood- Mumble/9- Happyfeet/9
Theme Song: Sleephead-Passionpit

Occupation: Voodoo/Witch Doctor, Free Roamer ( due to lack of sight )

-Can see, talk and speak to the dead
-Holds full control over spiritual rifts and spooky activity
-Activates material hauntings
-Can raise spirits from the grave
-Ability to prank slickly and smoothly

-blind as a bat ( very big factor, yet can see everything when utilizing power)
- Can't be in control of spirits for very long, drains him quickly
- Demonic possessions
-Having anything such as an Ouija board or spiritual realm in his presence ( overly stimulates his senses and causes him to over circuit and lose control physically and mentally)
-other attention seeking people
-negative energy/ people
-woopie cushions
-Will do anything for a Klondike bar

Likes: Anything that'll get a smile out of him, WOOPIE CUSHIONS, the rain, helping people, His hair ( yes), painting, seeing happy faces, opal jewels, happy ending movies, something that doesn't give him too much of a challenge, the Ghostbusters Movie ( can watch it for days)

Dislikes: Horror movies ( brings nightmares), depressing things, killing the happy/funny mood, egotistical people, the fact that not everything has a solution or can be fixed, scary stories, when dishonoring ancestors, broken woopie cushions (will be depressed for days)

Personality: A complete sweetheart, an attention whore, laid back, not easy to make angry, loves making friends, confident, childish mentality, loves to smile ( smilings his favorite -Buddy the Elf ) sentimental, selfless, scatter brained

So this bitch

Kaleo with his upbeat personality and confident attitude surprisingly has a very dark past.
Kaleo like any other kid liked to play pranks, but he took them above and beyond at times. He absolutely loved attention in any shape or form, so he would go above and beyond to gain a reaction, quite the performer if you really think about it. It had gotten to a point in his young life where they no longer would pay attention..and it bothered him.. so he resulted in the teachings and activities of dark cult voodoo magic. This was apparently forbidden in his own town, considered evil, but he simply thought if it could get a reaction, he didn't really care. He began to take part in ritualistic spells and prayers, even taking out what the town called " the Devil's Board" or an Ouija Board, to show the people what he was really made of. On one very interesting night, it was simply him and the board, talking away to what he considered silly spirits. He always asked questions, wondering if he would ever go where he wanted to go, or really make people see how great he could be. The board simply asked "how far will you go to get attention?...Because we can help you achieve greatness" The deal was made into a reality, as Kaleo was informed the spirit would grant him "greatness", and fully live out in happiness with those at his feet, in return the spirit demanded he find a body to provide for the soul. For a couple days, Kaleo noticed a difference in his living arrangements, finding people around him pampering, soothing, and ultimately demanding his attention for anything. Kaleo was quite the happy camper, till his time was up. As promised, Kaleo does what he can to provide a body, going to graveyards of all kinds to see what held in store. However, he grows pale when coming to find out the spirit tells him he demanded a fresh body...and nothing more. As much as Kaleo did all he could to gain attention, he'd never go as far as to kill someone, and it only made the spirit angry...and soon rage. Because of his broken deal, the spirit within the board possesses Kaleo, writhing and harming his body in anyway. The final result was taking away his vision, and simply saying the words "you shall never view the living to gain the attention you don't' deserve", leaving Kaleo completely blind. The only vision he held were the black masses of space and viewing the ghostly intruders and demons that roamed the halls, and it terrified him. When he went to go outside, he heard voices, and saw nothing but ghostly figures roaming around, and Kaleo went insane, finding that not even ghosts would look his way, or at least with what he could see. For quite some time, he stayed in his house, watching and waiting for any sort of sign that this was a dream, and one day he'd wake up to see everything once more, but sadly that day. He eventually figures out, that when activating his vision to mess with spirit particles or see them, he can actually VIEW his environment, but his view of the living is still invisible to the eye. That, and he can only go so long viewing his environment before it takes a tole on his body. He was practically cursed for his eternity, and he wasn't ok with it. However, he thought "WELP I'm going to at least have fun with it." His odd persona enough attracts those around him, but he eventually takes the occupation as a voodoo witch doctor, going from town to town to provide tarot readings to those in need of a future from the other side. Due to his lack of mobian interaction, his child like personality remains, but his speech had grown almost old timish, as if from another time period, basically by how the ghosts spoke around him. His view on the world also remains innocent and happy, blind to a harsh reality that he lives in. Innocent and sweet, he's practically your sugar coated marshmallow that loves to place whoopee cushions on your seat when your not looking, despite the death around him as he's grown accustomed to.

Other Info:
-did I mention he likes woopie cushions
- Loves anything old fashioned, but loves things from the 1920's and 1940's especially the music
-His glowing blue that emits from his hands is actually millions of particles of spirits
-Incredibly naïve, doesn't understand sexual jokes are or what 'it' is
-Doesn't remember anything from his childhood
-loves his scarf, doesn't know where it came from though
-tends to run into poles due to spiritual mischief ( spirits guide him where to walk, sometimes they don't cooperate)