IGF Book 3 - Page 86 by Galactic-Rainbow on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

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Published: Aug 22, 2021


IGF Book 3 - Page 85 by Galactic-Rainbow || NEXT PAGE >>> (Okay, *now* the next page could take a while. At least several months.)

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Like I mentioned earlier; at this point, it seems likely that I'll choose to officially proceed with the rest of the story, even if it takes 12.5 more chapters to get through.
But since we are at the actual point of no return now, I'll just re-post that third essay here regardless:

Essay #3: A CrossroadsOriginally written: July 25th, 2021Oh boy, it's been way too long since my last two IGF-related essays. Unfortunately, not a whole lot has changed since what I was talking about in the last third of Essay #2; however, I might as well repeat some of it here since that factors into what I have to say here.So I'm still working a full time job, and I only got a 4 month break last year due to...certain events. Like I mentioned before, having only the weekends to work on IGF really causes me to lose a lot of the momentum I once had, so it's very difficult to be able to make significant progress when a lot of that time is spent trying to get myself out of work mode. That being said, I was going under the impression that around Spring of 2022, maybe that might change since if everything goes well, I'll finally be moving out of here. But if I end up getting another full time job out there instead of something part-time, well...there goes all the future free time I was counting on to work on this series.More importantly, I should mention something I neglected to go into detail on in the previous essay. And that is: How demoralized I got as soon as I finished Book 1 of IGF and tried to get it printed. I was convinced that if I fixed up the art and gave it a nice polish, it would turn out great...only to find that, after all of my effort, it still couldn't quite live up to my expectations. And worse yet, I feel like it's getting worse as time goes on and my standards keep getting higher. As much as part of me would like to figure out how to improve it, I told myself that I'd ignore it until I finally finished Book 7, and only then if I had the motivation and energy left over, then I'd go ahead and try to do that. The main reason why Book 1 in particular irks me so much is because this is a continuing series that requires you to start from there in order to enjoy the later books, and if people read Book 1 and feel that it's terrible, then there's no way they're going to pick up the later books no matter how much better they are. And it's pretty bad when I no longer even feel like putting printed versions up for sale even when people are interested!So then I recently got the idea: If a single book is the cutoff point from which I started having all of these issues, then what if I thought of a version of the story that's only one book long?I'd have to remove a lot of elements from my current version of Intergalactic Fusion to make it work, of course. In fact, I'd most likely remove the very magical girl concept that inspired it in the first place. Of course, this is also a shame since IGF was my personal magnum opus, and I was proud of how I could make a story that features Amy and Pluffy's friendship as its core could become that well fleshed out and exciting. I didn't start seriously considering this idea until I got to this very scene in IGF Book 3, as it's right before what I like to call The Point of No Return. I know that once I complete this next scene, I'll feel compelled to stay on this path to complete all 7 books, since it's nothing but cliffhangers and exciting storytelling from here on out. You'd think that this would motivate me to finally reach this point, but after speeding through the last two chapters where nothing particularly exciting was happening (and each one took about a year to complete!!), you can see why I'd also feel a bit of trepidation. Particularly so if it turns out I'm going to be stuck in full time work for the foreseeable future, and particularly since it feels like every scene has been stretching the limits of my abilities in terms of character and setting design. (Although that can also be a good thing since that means I can never afford to become complacent with my skills when it comes to this story, hahaha.)At any rate, I haven't fully decided which choice I'm going to make yet, as I've only thought of the one-book concept in the past few days and need to think it through so I can say I genuinely gave it a good effort. Furthermore, part of me would feel like it's a shame to get as far as a third of the way through Book 3 before backing out of this current track. All I know is this: If I do decide to go with the one-book idea, I won't leave everybody who's been following the 7-book series out in the cold. That is to say, I'll write up fully prose versions of the remaining chapters so you'd all at least know how it ends. (Historically, I'm much faster at prose anyway. Whether I'm as good as it as comics, on the other hand, is up for serious debate.) And I most likely won't decide one way or the other until after my upcoming vacation in September-October, where I'll be sure to discuss these options in detail with people I trust. As soon as I decide for sure, I'll let everyone here know!

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