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Fallout New Vegas-A Super Mutants Foot Slave Pt.2

She remained unmoving, aside from her nauseous induced swaying. The humiliated scientist couldn't take it anymore, after being forced to worship the feet of a evil Super Mutant and after nearly having vomited moments ago the courier desperately needed a rest, even if only for a minute. Shaking with fear and from being sick, Rynn got to her knees with absolutely zero confidence on her face, she then quickly bent down a tiny bit and began to massage Shatters left foot, nearly gagging as her fingers rubbed all around the mutants massive sole that was coated in enough wasteland sand and slimey sweat that she could hardly see his putrid green flesh. "M-master please, I need a moment to re-" Rynn shrieked as Shatter leaned forward and grabbed her entire face with a single hand. The courier was jerked forward a bit which sent her right back into her former groveling position of being on her hands and knees, with her face now mere inches from the toes of Shatters left foot which she had not had the 'honor' of tasting, yet. "Shut up tiny dirty human, I don't care what a slave wants." Shatter grumbled as he leaned back on his rock, ominously placing his hand on the hunting rifle next to him as he looked down at his pathetic quivering pet. "Now start licking aga- No actually, stick out your tongue." Rynn meekly obeyed, keeping her eyes downcast she shoved out her tongue and made sure to keep it far from the Super Mutants thick toes. Unsurprisingly, the girls tongue was still coated with all manner of dirt and sand as well as sweat and toejam. For whatever cruel reason, upon seeing this Shatter let out a chuckle. "Heh, gross. But a slave can't taste my feet if the slaves tongue is covered in gross stuff." Shatter pointed out, before proceeding to sit there with a puzzled expression for nearly five seconds before coming up with a ingenious solution, which he sounded rather proud of. "Slave, scrape the gross stuff off your tongue and swallow it all! Now." Just the mere command to do that was enough to make Rynn feel even more sick. By now her skin had turned a unhealthy pale, not that it was really visible with the mucky mixture of dirt and mutant sweat covering her face and she felt a bit lightheaded but regardless she gave her owner a meek nod. With tears still slipping down her cheeks she hesitated briefly with her tongue still extended before she lightly bit down on it, she then slowly started bringing her tongue back and whimpered quietly as her teeth caught all the filth that was scraped from her tongue, a moment later the miserable scientist was left with a glob of various nasty things all sitting atop her still somewhat dirty tongue... this wad was rather large and mostly made of toejam which gave it a unpleasant burnt orange color though there was of course other ingredients such as super mutant sweat, sand and several types of bitter dirt. Right away the courier tried to swallow it forcibly but that failed, she merely coughed and gagged several times as a result which must of amused Shatter as he grinned somewhat. She tried to swallow again with the same results, after a moment of crying and shivering with disgust the courier used her tongue to move the swat the toejam wad towards her teeth before nervously biting down which crushed the creamy orange toejam, this made Rynn dry-heave a few times especially since the sand added a certain crunchy and very unappetizing texture. She nervously chomped down again with her eyes immediately shooting wide open as her teeth squeezed a surprising amount of sweat from the toejam/dirt/sand clump, the slimely liquid quickly coated one side of her mouth and even touched her tongue making Rynn gag as she tasted a incredibly foul salty flavor. Trying her best to not collapse from sheer disgust and overwhelming nausea, Rynn tilted her head to the side which sent the toejam glob tumbling to the other side of her mouth where the girl. Again she chomped down with her teeth and again a small flood of mutant sweat oozed out, this time the warm liquid slipped right down her throat triggering Rynns gag reflex forcing her to cough several times so loudly and hard that she sounded hoarse by the time she had finished, with teary eyes she glanced up and saw Shatter towering above her still with a twisted sneer on his face. Rynn chewed several more times with more sweat occasionally leaking out while whimpering each time she bit down until finally the creamy greasy wad of toejam was... exactly the same as it had been when she started. Just wanting this particular phase of her torment to end, Rynn took a deep one second long breath that immediately devolved into a few coughs thanks to her nose only being inches from Shatters overwhelmingly musky pungent feet before she attempted to swallow again, she gulped and tried to force it down with the toejam wad actually slipping down her throat only for her gag reflex to activate again... Rynn coughed and dry-heaved all while simultaneously swallowing over and over until finally the toejam chunk sunk down to her stomach. Incredibly relieved that ordeal was over, Rynn gratefully dropped her head and let it hang as she breathed a sigh of relief only to be instantly dragged right back into the depths of misery as she felt Shatters large hand grab her hair, she was jerked up and her face was held so that she was looking directly down at the Super Mutants nasty looking toe nails. "S-sir, Master, please I can't lick anymore!" Rynn pleaded, her nose burning as she could very clearly smell the mutants rancid feet. "I feel ill, please! I'm gonna vomi-" "Quiet slave! You had your little 'break' while you were feasting on all that toejam and gross stuff, now it's back to licking for you! Now do a good job human!" Shatter demanded with a mixture of rage and amusement that only made Rynn more uneasy. Rynn let out a quesy whimper before her head was violently shoved down, Shatter forced her down with such strength that as her closed mouth slammed into the mutants three smallest toes so hard that it actually hurt, it also caused those toes to slip right past her lips which filled her mouth to its absolute limits but with Shatter being incredibly strong he shoved her head down far enough that Rynn felt the mutants sweaty toes slam into the back of her throat. This prompted the tortured scientist to cough and dry-heave terribly as Shatters toes sunk a bit deeper and right away Rynn knew what was about to happen as she let out a particularly loud gag which sent saliva shooting from her mouth. The courier desperately tried to wiggle free from Shatters clutches as she felt her stomach beginning to painfully rumble, the mutant chuckled a bit at the sight of the labcoat-clad girl struggling to get free but finally she somehow succeeded. Once her hair was free from Shatters clutches Rynn dived to the side, got to her hands and knees and after wheezing and dry-heaving several times she felt a substance surging up her esophagus, the mighty courier opened her mouth and proceeded to vomit up a mixture of toejam, sand and sweat that looked positively disgusting on the ground. Knowing there was more coming, Rynn was somehow overcome with even more dread as a large mutant shaped shadow loomed over her but Shatter simply stood there and laughed as she shot more vomit from her mouth, the slimely liquid tasted acidic and unfortunately very much so like toejam as it coated the poor girls tongue. "Is all my toejam too gross for you? Ha!" Shatter laughed as Rynn hurled for a third time with the huge footed beast mocking her only making her feel more pathetic and nauseous. "You humans are always so weak and pathetic, you should all be more like Super Mutants, we are bette-" Off in the distance a loud, hissing howl could be heard. Right away Shatter spun to face the sound, Rynn too spun around though the obedient slave remained on her hands and knees. Some twenty meters away a lone ghoul was charging at them with clear murderous intent as it sprinted past rocks and various dead shrubs. Distracted by the incoming threat Rynn didn't really notice as Shatter turned to face her, she did however notice as the mutants giant green foot slammed into the side of her torso so hard she was certain she felt several ribs crack as she let out a shriek, the kick was powerful enough that the courier was thrown several feet as if she were weightless. She landed and rolled several times before coming to a halt on the sandy dirt, where she immediately clutched her ribcage in agony with the Courier only able to wheeze in agony. While Rynn writhed on the ground at his feet, Shatters rotting yellow teeth showed as a twisted smile came to his still intimidating face. "Stupid human!" Shatter yelled with a frightening murderous glee making Rynn cower in fear. The Super Mutant readied his hunting rifle and ran off towards the incoming threat. "All your crying and screaming brought a ghoul here! Luckily for you I like crushing ghoul skulls, so wait here slave." /////// By this point Rynn had basically given up any hope of escaping, especially since her body(and her pride) had been stomped so savagely she knew there was no way she could even outrun a radroach...but still, the Courier knew she had to at least try fleeing while she had the chance. "... I'm probably gonna die..." Rynn said with a depressed, hopeless and pained tone as she tried to stand up, she nearly collapsed several times before finally managing to get to her feet. Holding her cracked ribs she began to limp. "But I guess death is better than a life spent serving that grotesque abomination." Unsurprisingly Rynns heart was absolutely racing and fear-fueled adrenaline was surging through the girls bruised body as she staggered across the sun scorched dirt towards the atomic bomb and more importantly her plasma pistol. Using her dirtied labcoat sleeve she wiped some mud from her glasses though she could still hardly see through the smeared lenses, plus her entire face was still caked in the mutant-sweat infused mud so as Rynn struggled to not simply fall over she also had to endure sucking in radioactive and horrifically foul smelling fumes into her nose. Hearing the sounds of battle and Shatters sadistic laughter behind her Rynn tried to ignore it as well as her pipboys geigercounter which began to tick as he neared the atomic bomb, upon reaching her plasma pistol she bent down and nearly fell over in the process before succeeding in grabbing it. Once again being armed gave some small comfort to the humiliated Courier however the girl was once again dominated by a intense fear as she heard Shatters proud, boastful voice prompting her to take cover(cower) behind the bomb. "Slave! I shattered that things head and look, I brought a ghoul leg. You burn it to a crisp and it's a deli-cassy! Wait..." The Super Mutant fell silent and Rynn soon heard something drop to the ground, probably the severed ghoul leg, before she heard the beasts footsteps on the dirt. A moment later Shatter spoke slowly as if he were in the midst of a very enjoyable hunt. "Oh little human, where are you hiding? My feet have a fresh layer of filth for you to clean!" Barely able to stay standing with how much her legs were shaking, Rynn knew she had to act before it was too late. So without really having any sort of plan the labcoat-clad Courier jump/staggered out from behind the atomic bomb, aimed at the hulking mutant several meters away and pulled the trigger many times but nothing shot out, by the time Rynn had pulled the trigger about five times various unpleasant crackling sounds could be heard from within the plasma pistol before finally the whole thing suddenly caught fire likely due to a excess build up of thermal energy within the firearms central cathode, or something like that. Either way Rynn very quickly threw it to the ground, just as the hulking beast reached her. With a entertained snarl and without mercy Shatter slammed the stock of his hunting rifle straight into Rynns face sending her falling back to the ground where she landed with a cloud of dust. The Courier was so terrified she couldn't even wheeze, so she just laid there watching through the now cracked lenses of her glasses as Shatter unceremoniously tossed his rifle aside. "Poor little human, did your little toy gun break?" He laughed cruelly as he used one of his imposing feet to kick the now charred plasma pistol away. The amused mutant then walked alongside Rynns body with the ground literally shaking beneath the girl everytime Shatter took a step until finally he came to a halt next to her head... his feet completely dwarfed the her head and even though they weren't that close to her Rynn was on the verge of gagging thanks to the nasty fumes they emitted. Sadly that very quickly changed, Rynn didn't even have time to gasp before the Super Mutants right foot stomped down onto her face, the sudden agony was enough to cause Rynns entire body to jerk hard aside from her head which remained perfectly unmoving and pinned beneath her owners rancid sole. Her mouth was crushed so she couldn't scream despite a overwhelming need to do so and right away her nose flattened so hard Rynn struggled to inhale even a tiny bit of Shatters revolting, nostril burning, footstink. The Courier also quickly found that Shatter hadn't been lying when he said there was a fresh layer of filth clinging to his soles, which just made things even more unbearable as with every passing second Shatter pressed down harder and harder with all the coarse sand and dirt clinging to the oversized green foot feeling like sandpaper against Rynns relatively soft, unblemished face. By the time her head had been forcibly shoved about a inch into the ground Shatter spoke, he still seemed to be in a good mood which was probably a bad thing. "Okay slave, you tried to get away from your Master, now I gotta think of some way to punish you. Hmm..." As the Super Mutant struggled to get his brain to function Rynn just laid there, staring upwards through her cracked and smeared glasses at the filth encrusted sole of Shatter before that foot abruptly moved. It dragged downwards along her face, slowly and with enough pressure that the small pebbles embedded in the mucky mixture of mutant sweat and wasteland dirt left red drag marks on Rynns mud covered skin, the whole time the poor girl just laid there writhing in agony before suddenly she let out a frightened yelp as Shatters massive foot dropped from her face and landed sideways on her throat, instantly pressing down so hard that Rynns eyes buldged as she was abruptly no longer able to breathe. The mutants sole was so expansive and wide that only half of it could really fit on Rynns neck leaving the other half of the foot to partially squash her breasts which just made things infinitely more degrading, though since she was being strangled Rynn had much more important things to focus on. "Maybe I should just keep squashing your puny throat until you stop moving, how's that?" Shatter asked as he looked down at the squirming Courier with hateful yet entertained orange eyes, he then went silent to enjoy the therapeutic sounds of the lowly human whimpering and choking with nothing but pure regret and fear in her eyes. Rynn meanwhile was busy clawing at the dirt as her throat was crushed under the disgustingly moist and filthy sole of the mutant, already her lungs burned from a lack of oxygen and with every passing second the girl only grew more panicked. Eventually, after a sadisticly long amount of time, Shatter spoke in a vaguely sarcastic but mostly cruel tone. "No, you can't die yet, that would be to nice...hmm..." By this point Rynn felt closer to dead than alive, her brain throbbed and her vision began to blur but the mutant just ignored her, keeping his entire 800 pound body weighing down on her scrawny neck as he pondered aloud. "I could drag you to Black Mountain? Me and Tabitha could torture you, live on her radio for so everyone can hear! Hmm, no, I don't want to share you yet. Ugh, my brain hurts, maybe I'll just stomp on your legs until they break, then you can't runaway anymore." Shatter 'joked' as Rynn truly began to fear her demise was imminent, hardly able to even keep her eyes open anymore her head titled a bit to the side as the mutant continued to tower above, choking her without mercy. Just as Rynn was beginning to give up hope she spotted Shatters discarded hunting rifle, it was close enough to probably reach which the defeated Courier immediately tried to do, with the last of her strength she threw her arm out, somehow managed to grab the rifle, however after being savagely brutalized by a hulking monstrosity and being choked Rynn was far too weak to actually lift the gun, she just barely managed to get the stock off the ground before her trembling fingers accidentally pulled the trigger sending a bullet straight into a nearby rock. "Big mistake!" Shatter roared, his entertained demeanor turned into fury. The foot lifted from Rynns throat but before she could pathetically suck in air she let out a wheezing shriek as the mutants foot stomped down with all of Shatters might directly onto the hand still holding the rifle with a loud snapping sound ringing out as a bone in the Couriers pointer finger was snapped in two as it was crushed between the mutants filthy sole and the guns trigger guard, this was so incredibly agonizing that Rynns previous shriek just kept going until her lungs were completely empty. The torment didn't end there, her hand was stomped several more times with Rynn letting out pathetic gasping screams each time until the stomping stopped, Shatter bent down and wrapped a hand out her brushed throat, a moment later the slave was effortlessly lifted from the ground and thrown with ease. Flying through the air finally allowed Rynn to suck in oxygen which she then immediately expelled by screaming as she flew, right until she crashed directly into the undetonated atomic bomb, her back slammed into the solid metal and Rynn slid down until she was seated on the ground. The defeated Courier sat there, leaning on the bomb and cradling her broken finger while sobbing terribly as she watched Shatter approach slowly with a intimidating rage still burning in his eyes. "M-master I'm sorry! Please, please don't hurt me, I'm sorry!" Rynn cried and lied, she even held out her arms to defend herself as if that would save her from the approaching 800 pound monstrosity. Unsurprisingly the Couriers defenses were immediately breached as Shatter reached her, he lashed out with a kick which Rynn responded to by letting out a cowardly wail that was cut short as the Super Mutants giant green foot slammed into her skull with enough force the metal of the bomb behind her buckled briefly before popping back into position, with the back of Rynn head being held in place against it so hard she half-expected to start bleeding. With the aching of her head becoming increasingly unbearable Rynn just sat there and suffered with Shatters massive foot pressing against her head, the mutants foot absolutely dwarfed her so much so that he could easily fit at least three more miserable slave faces under his sole. Rynn was greatly relieved as Shatters foot decreased the pressure it was applying, the Couriers face was still absolutely smothered and buried in the mutants filthy meaty sole but at least now the pain was less 'skull shattering' and moreso 'inhumanely cruel'. "LICK! And I wanna see you crying human, suffering! If you wanna live your foot licking skills better be better than your escaping skills." Shatter shouted, basically at his foot as it was so massive he couldn't even see his sobbing slaves head, or neck. On the opposite side of that giant green foot Rynn immediately obeyed without the slightest bit of hesitation, Shatters putrid sole was already crushing her face so as the Courier stuck out her tongue it didn't get far before coming into contact with the layer thick layer of mutant sweat, dirt and sand. As Shattered demanded, Rynn did start crying harder as she began to lick...with her face being smothered by the unmoving foot Rynn had to move her head as she licked, forcing her to drag her already filthy and bruised face across all the nasty things covering the mutants wide sole as her tongue slaved away, licking and scrapping at all the various gross substances which tasted catastrophically bad. Shatters footsweat was thick, vaguely slimey, terribly salty and even had a slight unpleasantly spicy battery-acidish zest thanks to it's radioactivity. The dirt and sand clinging to his sole wasn't much more appetizing either due to a rough and coarse texture as well as a flavor tasting both incredibly bitter and stale. Despite the horrific torture she was forcing her tastebuds to endure Rynn just kept on licking and licking, weeping like a fool as she struggled against the pressure to keep smearing her face all around. "FASTER! Lick faster!" Shatter screamed which nearly gave the slave a heart attack though she still quickly complied with the demand as best she could. Rynn wasn't quite sure where her face was currently located on Shatters foot as all she could see was bits of green skin poking through the wall of filth she had been licking but that didn't stop Rynn from starting to move her head swiftly in every direction, constantly grinding her face into the coarse dirt clinging to the mutants sole with her tongue certainly bearing the worst of it all as she licked at a incredibly pathetic speed. "FASTER! Before I crush your tiny skull into your precious bomb!" The already greatly distressed Courier panicked even more upon hearing those words, she couldn't lick any faster even if she wanted to but she certainly attempted it with a great deal of desperation though try as she might it was no use, her head was already whipping around so fast that her brain was probably bouncing around inside and her tongue was swimming through the mucky mixture of sweaty dirt so fast the friction was beginning to generate heat. The combination of her head violently jerking around and licking putrid green mutant flesh coated in filth and sand all while inhaling the horrendous stenchs of moldy meat and spicy radioactive fumes was more than enough to make the terribly nauseous girl feel increasingly worse as with every passing second and every stiff. Rynn had already vomited once but she had a suspicion that wouldn't be the last time, especially as her tongue kept lapping up vile wasteland dirt of varying colors and Shatters warm footsweat. As she kept hastily licking up and down, smearing her face endlessly into the massive green sole, the helpless Courier could hear her Super Mutant Master grumble something, Rynn couldn't actually see the beast thanks to the very huge and very unpleasant foot smothering her face but Shatter certainly didn't sound pleased prompting Rynn to panic as the last thing she wished to do was displease the sadistic monster however it would seem she had already done that as suddenly Rynns face was absolutely crushed without mercy by Shatters foot which pushed forth so hard that the hard metal of the bomb behind her head was once again buckled slightly by the pressure. Right away her skull felt like it was on the verge of cracking thanks to Shatter seemingly using every ounce of strength to crush her tiny head, the filthy green sole pressed so hard that her tongue was trapped outside her mouth, pinned to her chin forcing Rynn to endure the nasty sweat, the agony of it all was so instantly overwhelming that the courier nearly tried prying off the foot before realizing that would already make the enraged Super Mutant even madder. "Useless human! You can't fight, you can't escape and you can't even lick fast!" Shatter shouted with his voice echoing in the distance as his vast meaty sole pressed into Rynns face with such savagery that even the nose part of her cracked glasses were digging painfully into her skin but she just kept sitting there on the ground, writhing in absolute agony with a broken finger, cracked ribs and a face being forcibly flattened as the mutant kept speaking in a loud, hateful voice. "I would shoot you right now but you used my last bullet! But a creature as useless and pathetic as you doesn't deserve death, just endless suffering." With that the massive foot began to move, it kept applying the same torturous amount of pressure as it began to move downwards along Rynns face at a incredibly slow rate. Obviously far too weak to resist the Courier just endured the pain, even as all the coarse dirt and sand clinging to the mutants sole felt as though they were scrapping off the girls filth covered skin. "And endless suffering is what you'll get! Because you're never gonna be more than a foot away from my feet, the rest of your pathetic life you'll be my slave, eating dirt off my feet and licking for hours!" Shatter shouted, his voice still sounded absolutely terrifying though slightly less enraged not that it eased Rynns mind any as she imagined a life spent worshipping the putrid feet of a literal science experiment gone wrong. Such thoughts were enough to somehow make the girl cry even harder as the foot kept grinding downwards. "And don't even think about trying to escape again. The last slave that got away? I ripped his legs off and he licked my feet until he bled to death! But you're a smart sciencey labcoat lady, you wouldn't do something that stupid." To Rynns great surprise the foot moved off her face, it hovered next to her head where she could effortlessly still smell it. She could now actually see the face of her tormententor, which was about as ugly as it was angry, not that Rynn actually saw as she immediately cast her eyes downwards out of fear of her hulking green overlord. "Hey smart sciencey labcoat lady!" Shatter shouted at the tiny, cowering and broken girl, he sounded enraged but also seemed to be enjoying the suffering he caused. "Tell me what you're gonna do the rest of your life!" "Ea-" Rynn was interrupted by Shatters foot which moved the instant she spoke, the large green heel slammed into her forehead slamming her head back against the bomb which forced the Courier to look straight up into the cruel eyes of the towering mutant. It made her following words infinitely more humilating to speak but she still did, not that she had much of a choice. "I'll spend the rest of my life...e-eating dirt off your feet...and licking them...for hours..." "Good answer. And don't worry little slave, you won't be spending ALL your time licking my feet...because I'm sure other Super Mutants will want a turn." Shatter then pushed his heel harder against Rynns forehead, her whimpering nearly brought a twisted smile to his scowling face. "And you'll happily lick all the big gross feet, right?" "...Yes..." The Super Mutant seemed pleased with the answer but his following actions certainly said otherwise. The warm, moist and utterly filthy heel pulled back from Rynns face only to slam right back into her forehead where it proceeded to twist and grind without mercy, rubbing sand and mud into Rynns already filthy skin before the foot pulled back again. Another kick came and this time Rynn let out a cry as the heel struck her right between the eyes, next the mutants heel pulled back and slammed directly into her nose with enough force it nearly broken leading to Rynn crying out in agony, her scream then grew louder as the heel kicked her straight in the mouth providing the tortured girl with aching teeth that were nearly dislodged from the kick. Feeling particularly fearful and with the putrid giant heel still 'in' her mouth Rynn began to lick without hesitation in hopes of getting mercy but after only about three seconds of tasting the Wastelands radioactive dirt and Shatters green flesh the whole foot suddenly pressed against her face. Instantly Shatters giant green sole applied so much pressure that Rynn felt as if her head were about to burst though she could only whimper in agony thanks to the heel still being in her mouth, or at least a small portion of the overall oversized green heel was stuck in there, still being obediently licked by the Courier while she just sat drowning in terror, pain and Shatters slimely footsweat. "Hey slave, tell me who owns you!" Shatter demanded angrily as he leaned forward, placing all his weight on the foot crushing Rynns face with the poor girl letting out a completely muffled shriek as it felt as if all of her teeth were about to shoved in by the unrelenting force of the heel. Several seconds later Rynn had somehow stopped screaming and resumed her typical pathetic whimpering as Shatter repeated himself much louder and much more annoyed. "Human, who is your Master?" Rynns mouth was literally plugged shut by the heel but that didn't stop her from crying out. "Mmmph mmmmhp mmmphh mmfpph!" When the foot only began to push harder the mighty Courier completely lost any remaining pride she had and just repeated her answer, screaming as loud as her mutant footstink filled lungs could manage. "MMMPH MMMMHP MMMPHH MMFPPH!" Rynn was unsurprisingly having the literal worst time of her life with how agony, humiliation, disgust and sheer terror she felt, Shatter however found the tiny horrified girl in her mud stained quite amusing so he let out a short and somehow angry sounding laugh as he proceeded to twist his heel around, scraping dirt and sand from his skin onto Rynns teeth as he spoke. "Ha! You are much more fun to torture than other slaves I've tortured, and there's been lots. Now, I'll ask one more time, who is your Master?" This time Shatter was kind enough to remove his foot from Rynns face, which he placed on the ground next to it's equally repulsive twin and the Super Mutant was immediately pleased that he did so as the instant his sole pressed down into the dirt Rynn threw herself at his feet while sobbing uncontrollably. Completely ignoring her broken finger and various cracked ribs the Courier laid flat on her stomach where she began to shower all ten of the mutants thick green toes with dozens and dozens of kisses. "You are my Master, you are my Master!" She cried before placing about thirty kisses on Shatters left big toe in the span of two seconds. The miserable girl felt tiny, weak and helpless, especially as the Super Mutant just stood there chucking cruelly. "You own me Master, I'm your slave, your property!" "Heh, more humans need to be like you. Now keep talking and keep kissing!" Shatter ordered, he shouted that last bit and chuckled as his property panicked and began to kiss faster, at such a high speed her lips were practically punching his thick toes. After a few seconds Rynn spoke again, hardly even bothering to stop kissing as she hastily cried out her words. "I'm your pathetic slave! I am at your mercy!" Rynn announced before she pressed her lips into the warm green skin atop Shatters left foot about twenty times only to do the same thing with the right. "I'll do whatever you want, I am at your mercy Master!" As she continued kissing the right foot Rynn felt a increase in fear as her Masters left foot rose, she already knew something terribly unpleasant was about to happen but she already knew she both far too weak and far too afraid to actually do anything so she just kept on trembling and smooching the mutants horrid right foot for a few more seconds before the previously mentioned 'terribly unpleasant' thing occured...Shatters left foot stomped down, slamming into the back of Rynns head like a falling boulder with the Couriers face just getting completely crushed into the top of the foot she was kissing, forcing her to keep inhaling its rancid stink as she submissively continued kissing as best she could right until that foot slipped out from beneath her head sending her filthy, bruised bespectacled face straight into the dirt with her oversized owners foot still bearing down with a sadistic amount of pressure, a foot so large that while Shatters heel was busy crushing the 'top' of Rynns head his huge meaty toes were pressing down onto the girls shoulder blades. "So you'll do whatever I want, huh?" Shatter demanded, despite him using every muscle in his incredibly strong leg to push Rynns skull has hard as possible into the dirt the courier somehow managed to nod 'yes'. The Super Mutant responded by painfully twisting and turning his foot atop his victims head while speaking in a vaguely friendly but mostly mischievous, hostile tone. "Good...good! Then let me...reward you, for being such a good pathetic little human. Follow your Master!" Shatters foot lifted, leaving Rynns black ponytail sprinkled with sand, dirt and gross globs of sweaty muck but regardless she was more than happy for a break from the torture, even if she was still in terrible pain from her various injuries. The Courier lifted her head and upon looking through her cracked glasses found a near perfect imprint in the dirt where her head had been crushed into the ground, then upon seeing several massive footprints leading away Rynn gasped and hurriedly scrambled after Shatter on her hands and knees, sniffling and trying to stop crying as she crawled along with a broken finger. Whimpering softly as she dragged her beaten body along, she soon caught up to Shatter whom was walking towards the location where she had previously vomited, where his oversized boots still sat roasting in the scorching post-apocalyptic sun. Meekly keeping her gaze cast down upon the ground the Courier was almost impressed with the size of the footprints Shatter was leaving behind in the dirt, her own hand was barely as big as the green monstrositys big toe. While being intimated by the dozenth or so huge footprint the Courier inadvertently caught a glimpse of her pipboys (somehow dirt and sweat covered) screen, she nearly gasped. "Advanced radiation sickness?" Rynn somberly thought to herself as her pipboys geigercounter kept on ticking, suddenly she felt much sicker at that realization with her stomach making a gross groaning sound as she scurried along like a dirty radroach. "Well that explains why I feel like utter shit...all this radioactive sweat, radioactive dirt and radioactive sand is literally killing me...and it's all over my face and inside my mouth. And my Mas- that monster is probably too stupid to even understand what radiation is...I really am gonna die..." Rynns depressing inner-monologue was cut short as her head bumped into Shatters shins, the Courier nervously looked up at the now stationary mutant whom towered over her as if she were a insect. The giant green beast had a nasty looking scowl as always, however his evil orange eyes seemed rather amused and filled with anticipation, two things Rynn certainly did not like. "Okay slave, time for your reward for surviving this long. See my boots over there?" Shatter asked, Rynn didn't even have time to look before her head was grabbed by a single hand and jerked to the side so she was made to stare over to where the mutants massive boots located about a meter away. "You've been licking and licking and eating all kinds of gross you deserve a drink, crawl over there and stick your head inside my boot. There's plenty of nice, hot sweat in there for you!" Rynn was so completely disgusted by that command that she very nearly declined but she never had the chance as Shatter simply grabbed her black ponytail and proceeded to walk towards the boots, forcing the courier to crawl along like a obedient dog on a lease before finally being released. Rynns face was overcome with disgust as her nose was now only a few inches from the oversized boots that were nearly as tall as the currently crawling girl, warm nauseating fumes floated out from them tainting the air with a unbearable stink. The boots were just as huge as the Super Mutants feet and were made of a dark brown leather with bits of rusted metal poorly attached at various points, metal that had been roasting under the scorching wasteland sun long enough that Rynn could feel heat emanating off. With Shatters shadow looming over her Rynn knew she had no choice but to obey, dreading whatever horrors were certainly awaiting her the Courier moved forward a bit and peeked down into the mouth of the boot, instantly the poor girl gagged hard as the most violently disgusting air entered her nose. She was only able to withstand the nose burning stench for half a second before the putrid air irritated both her eyes and her nostrils. "M-master...isn't there some oth-" Rynn yelped as Shatter grabbed the lower back of her labcoat, lifting her into the air just barely enough that she was now propped up on her hands and feet with her butt pointing slightly upwards. Being forced into such a position was not only terribly humilating but it also had the hugely unfortunate side effect of lurching Rynns head downwards where it plummeted face first into the boot, immediately the Couriers sense of smell was just completely overwhelmed by the sheer foulness she encountered. Upon taking her first inhale Rynns crying eyes shot wide open and she coughed endlessly as her lungs were burned by the air within the boot. It was aggressively rotten smelling, with very noticeable hints of Shatters vile sweat which had been both marinating within the boot and being simultaneously cooked by the hot sun leaving the inside of the boot overfilled with warm musky air that stunk heavily of salt, decaying plants and expired hot sauce. Rynns head had barely even gone that deep into the pungent depths of the boot when she tried to pull herself out but somehow the hulking monstrosity tormenting her was faster. Shatter released his grip on her labcoat and immediately after Rynn felt the familiar feeling of a massive green, filth and sweat covered sole stomping down onto her, specifically the Super Mutants foot crushed the back of her neck and shoulders ensuring that the only direction Rynn could move her head was down, where she was awaited by basically a sea of rancid mutant footsweat enveloped in a slightly radioactive haze of horrendous stench. The enslaved scientist knew there was obviously no way to free herself, especially not since the Super Mutant would probably rather her drown in the footsweat below than be free, so with a defeated whimper Rynn once again meekly accepted her fate as she took the tiniest sniffs she could manage thanks to the stink being so horrendous she half expected her face to melt off. "Already done trying to squrim free? Heh, pathetic little slave, as if escaping would save you." Shatter chuckled as several muffled coughs could be heard from within the makeshift boot. Rynn just remained there, awkwardly positioned on her hands and feet as the foot pressed harder against her, as the mutant spoke again several bits of sweat leaked from his filthy sole and slipped off Rynns neck. "Hey slave, I wanna know what it smells like in there, so tell me! And your smart, use your big smart sciencey words!" Right away plenty of very appropriate descriptive terms came to mind to describe the cramped, warm, moist boot interior including: Terrible, vile, pungent beyond belief, utterly atrocious, inhumanely sadisticly dreadful and there were certainly many more but Rynn half expected the mutant to not understand what half the words meant so the Courier remained silent aside from her frequent coughs as she tried to think of a 'sciencey' way to describe just how gross the inside of the literally toxic boot was. "I don't hear any sniffing! So sniff!" Shatter shouted, pressing his foot down harder even though Rynn was absolutely sniffing, just in tiny little inhales that scorched her nostrils and greatly irritated her sinuses. The yelling however was sudden and loud enough that Rynn foolishly obeyed the order a bit too zealously, she immediately snorted in a huge amount of the sickening air only to gag it all back up, dry heaving and coughing so loud the boot didn't even muffle the sound. The Courier kept coughing and wheezing, just trying to keep herself from vomiting as her lungs ached, as Shatter stood there enjoying himself with a disdainful scowl. "Good, good! Now tell me how bad it smells, with your fancy sciencey words." Rynn was understandably a bit nervous about outright insulting the 800-pound muscular, easily enraged, giant abomination but she was quickly reminded that regardless of whether or not she spoke she would be suffering as Shatters foot lifted up and stomped right back down onto her neck, hammering her head down another inch or so into the boot. Being just barely closer to the main cause of all the stink, the murky pool of sweat below the bespectacled girls worried face, made all the nastiess Rynn was inhaling with every breath far worse, enough so that after only breathing in two tiny breaths her head began to throb from the tainted air. "Speak!" " smells like a dead radscorpion! Decaying in battery acid. Li-" The foot lifted from Rynn neck and immediately crashed into her side, her head was jerked from the boot as she slammed down onto the ground where she immediately looked like an utter idiot as she simultaneously gasped for fresh air and screamed/wheezed thanks to the kick striking her already cracked ribs. She then gasped with fear as Shatter came at her, one of his oversized hands roughly grabbing her hair while the other grabbed the back of her coat, the terrified Courier shrieked as hoisted into the air effortlessly before being slammed down onto her hand and knees where she had been previously next to the pair of oversized boots. With her heart about to explode from fear and adrenaline her head was then jerked upwards and to the side at such a unnatural angle her neck nearly snapped, just so she could look up at Shatters hideous green face. "I said use big smart sciencey words slave! I know all the words you just said." Shatter demanded with irritation, Rynn then received terrible whiplash as the Mutant mercilessly turned her head and shoved it straight back into the depths of his oversized, impossibly vile boot with Rynn whimpering as the tip of her nose was now only a few inches above the pool of sweat waiting in the 'foot' part of the boot. "Come on human, I wanna hear some smarty words!" "Detestable, repugnant, loathsome, malignant!" Rynn cried out as she channeled her inner thesaurus. She paused and hesitated several times before taking in a few tiny sniffs of the air that reeked of vinegar, acid and sweat-soaked leather. The Courier somehow managed to not gag, instead her eyes grew increasingly watery and irritated by the sickening fumes that were currently making her head spin and her stomach feel queasy, for this she was rewarded with Shatters left foot which suddenly stomped down onto the back of her neck prompting Rynn to continue her description of the stench by loudly blurting out. "It's a fucking miasma of asphyxiating fumes!" "Ah much more smarter-y sounding, good job and now you can have your prize for being a good little slave! All that screaming must make you thirsty, and no, you don't have a drink! Or I'll snap another finger!" Shatter ordered, keeping his heavy foot weighing down on her neck and sending disgusted shivers down her spine thanks to the mutants warm, filth and sweat covered green sole. "You got ten seconds to start drinking before I start snapping! Ten! Nine!" That threat certainly worked as Rynn did as instructed with great reluctance and disgust, not that Shatter minded all her writhing and muffled whimpers. She pushed her head deeper and deeper with the air becoming increasingly damp, humid and more putrid smelling with every millimeter she descended. To make matters even more foul, at first the boot was rather spacious but upon traveling down about four inches Rynn found things becoming increasingly cramped as the boot began to taper inwards a bit, within seconds the Couriers head could hardly fit any longer though that didn't stop the fear filled girl who just kept forcing her head deeper and deeper despite the leather being absolutely soaked with sweat as it rubbed against her face. Outside the stinky hell boot, it's owner kept counting loudly with a entertained look on his scowling face. "...uh,eight! Six! Five! Come on slave, I know your not drinking! You're not gagging nearly enough!" Shatter shouted, Rynn felt the foot on the back of her neck pressing down even harder, hard enough that her entire head was forcibly squeezed downwards until suddenly she found her whole face submerged in a thick, very warm liquid that felt like a watery glue substance. Right away she sealed her mouth tight as she desperately tried to pull her head back even a tiny bit only to find she was completely stuck, held in place by her Masters foot with her nose and mouth stuck below the surface of the nauseating liquid. She quickly realized she was probably going to drown if she didn't slurp up large portion of the goopy sweat...just the sensation of it soaking against her face was nearly enough to make her vomit. But, somehow, drinking mutant sweat straight from the steamy putrid boot was better than dying, so Rynn opened her mouth up barely a millimeter and despite every ounce of her body telling her to she sucked in a bit of the liquid...and violently spat it right back out, nearly vomiting in the process with all the commotion causing the mini sea of sweat to churn and slosh around with the thick murky liquid splashing up into Rynns eyes causing them to burn even more. "You sound like a drowning rat, it's funny but you'd better not drown slave, your corpse won't be as fun to torture." Shatter grumbled as he pushed his foot harder against Rynns shoulders with the Couriers entire face being smashed flat against the insole of the oversized boot, just like the sweat she was currently submerged in the insole was warm in a particularly repulsive way, as if the mutants foot had just been smothering it. "And since your inside my boot, clean it some with your tongue!" By this point Rynn was just so completely defeated she wasn't even surprised by that last order, however the effects of her two breathing holes being submerged in thick murky sweat for about twenty seconds were becoming very apparent...her head throbbed even more painfully than before, her lungs ached even worse now and she could barely keep her arms from going limp beneath her. So instead of licking the very moist insole her face was currently being smooshed into the Courier let out a miserable little whimper, opened her mouth and sucked in a truly revolting amount of the sweat which she immediately gulped it down, the liquid felt impossibly gross, thick and warm as it slithered down her throat with Rynn coughing several times before she sucked down another mouthful which once again forced a few violent coughs from the girl. Having not inhaled oxygen for about thirty seconds by this point, Rynn began to feel overwhelmingly drowsy though she mostly just felt extraordinarily panicked, so much so that she began to desperately drink the murky sweat as if it were a lovely Nuka-Cola, unsurprisingly the sweat tasted far far worse...with a consistency like watered-down glue it tasted similar to a chunk of asphalt and dead animals floating in the saltiest part of the ocean, during a oil spill. By the time she sent the fourth mouthful slipping slowly down her throat Rynn felt terribly sick, weak and nauseous but she was very motivated to not drown inside of a Super Mutants boot so she kept drinking and sucking down sweat with her tongue and mouth being completely soaked by the warm liquid. "Haha now you're definitely drinking, I can tell from all the gurgling and gagging!" Shatter chuckled cruelly as Rynn unwillingly slurped down a soggy piece of dirt that had probably been getting trampled under the beasts giant green foot for months. Though her face was still squashed against the boot insole and she was still in the process of drowning the panicking Courier could feel the 'water' level had dropped significantly, however as her stomach began to churn and groan to a worrying degree she suspected all that swallowed sweat would be shooting back out. "How is it human? Does it taste like defeat? I bet you really wish you stayed in your sciencey lab or something, huh? But you came out here and now you're my property!" Just as Shatter finished his rant the slavegirl felt a faint glimmer of hope. As she sucked down what had to be her dozenth mouthful of the rotten,acidic salty sweat her nose was suddenly no longer submerged so without hesitation Rynn eagerly snorted in a massive amount of air which resulted in an ungodly amount of toxic, vaguely spicy air that reeked of soggy boot leather filling her lungs and in that moment Rynn immediately knew that was a mistake. The labcoat-clad lass dry-heaved so hard it hurt her throat, she wheezed and coughed and heaved again all while the mutants sweat still sloshed around her chin and oozed into her mouth which certainly made speaking rather difficult. "Mushah! Pfffft mushah I'm ghunna vohmet!" Rynn cried out in between gags and coughs, she even tried to push up with her hands to pull her head out but that was obviously not going to work, not with Shatters giant sole weighing down on her back. She tried to keep begging but was so overcome with disgust she could only dry-heave and choke on terribly gross sweat. "Again? Ugh, you humans are so weak and pathetic, a Super Mutant would have drank both boots by now!" Shatter shouted, seeming both annoyed and amused as Rynn continued gagging but Shatter didn't seem to mind, instead he pressed his foot down harder and spoke in a accusatory tone with Rynn panicking even harder as her face was smashed into the boots insole, nose included. "Wait...if you drank a bunch of the sweat probably didn't lick the insole? Gah dammit slave, you can vomit AFTER you give it one big lick!" Rynn knew that wasn't how vomiting worked but she also knew the Super Mutant wouldn't care in the slightest so without waiting even a nanosecond d the Courier opened her mouth which was then flooded by a surge of very warm, very vile sweat that nearly made her throw up immediately but instead Rynn just wheezed and gagged as she stuck out her tongue with it instantly making contact with the boots insole. Rynns whole body shivered with disgust as she began to drag her tongue, luckily the interior of the boot was basically pitch black so Rynn was sparred watching the little air bubbles float up from the insole as old sweat was squeezed out merely by her tongue pressing down. The sudden influx of especially gross, old, aged, marinated mutant footsweat hitting her tongue and floating up into her mouth was drastically more disgusting than the already thoroughly revolted Rynn could handle, her stomach churned loudly and the poor crying girl closed her eyes as she prepared to refill the boot. Fully expecting to have her skull stomped in afterwards Rynn opened her mouth with a groan and felt a rumbling sensation deep within herself, just as she was about to projectile vomit sweat and stomach acid all over the very cramped boot interior she yelped as her ponytail was violently tugged. As the mighty Courier felt her vomit shooting up her esophagus her head was torn from the depths of the boot by Shatter who effortlessly threw the girl to the side, chuckling as she landed and immediately got to her hands and knees. "Now, my little slave, now you can vom-" The sadistic mutant was interrupted as Rynn coughed, gagged, and groaned before a geyser of Shatters nauseating footsweat came shooting from her mouth down onto the dirt below. Somehow all the still warm, slimey sweat tasted even worse as it all came back up, so much so that Rynn didn't even have time to suck in air before she once again splattered the ground with more of her stomach contents. After that second retch Rynn just stayed there, panting on her hands and knees with her tongue still suffering horribly thanks to her mouth still being completely coat in sweat and bits of dirt, she then felt even more nervous and in danger as she turned her head to the side where she found Shatter slowly approaching, with one of his oversized boots in hand. "Ready for more fun, slave? Because next you-" Rynn, for the third time, looked at the ground and whimpered pathetically as she vomited up copious amounts of radioactive footsweat and her own stomach acid. After which she surprisingly felt better, but only a very tiny amount as she still could clearly taste the mutants feet plus she was surrounded by all manner of putrid smelling things that filled her nostrils with every inhale. After spitting a few times the beaten,bruised and filthy bespectacled girl got up onto her knees before looking up at Shatter only instead of seeing his unpleasant scowling face her own face received a very unexpected kick, one that slammed her straight down backwards into the ground where she landed with a cloud of dust. Too weak, frightened and sick to really move Rynn just laid there helplessly as the hulking mutant approached with a sinister glint in his eyes and a boot in his hands, the enslaved let out worried shriek as she abruptly felt a impossibly heavy weight on her chest as Shatter casually stepped onto her with both feet, which suddenly gave Rynn plenty of motivation to move however she merely kicked her legs wildly and clawed at the ground in sheer agony as her already cracked ribs struggled to support the weight of the eight-hundred pound monster currently abusing her for his own amusement. After about five seconds of literally bone-crushing levels of pain Rynn looked through her smeared, cracked glasses up at Shatter whom lifted his boot into the air above the Couriers head with a chuckle. "M-Master please...can't breathe..." Rynn choked as she continued writhing around, she could actually breathe but just barely and any air she did manage to suck in reeked of death and decay thanks to the two massive green feet currently crushing her chest. "Ple-" "Quiet puny slave!" Shatter shouted as he lifted a huge meaty foot and slammed it back down mercilessly causing Rynns whole body to jolt in agony as she let out a raspy wheezing scream that was then immediately replaced with a confused yelp as Shatter turned his boot slightly allowing a murky waterfall of sweat to seep out, all of which poured directly down onto Rynns helpless face. As the Super Mutant watched with amusement Rynn kept turning her head side to side but unsurprisingly it was no use as she was pinned to the ground. "What's wrong slave? Not thirsty anymore? Is it too gross for your weak little stomach?" "Yes!" Rynn blurted out as all the dirt clinging to her face was washed off and replaced by the salty/acidic smelling sweat. Fortunately, after another five or so seconds, the warm slimey liquid ceased falling with Rynn then immediately flinching as Shatter causally dropped his heavy, rusty metal covered boot with the hard toe section smacking the Courier directly in the forehead before tumbling to the ground...with the 'mouth' of the boot facing towards Rynns head, ensuring that she would be able to sniff all the toxic fumes that floated out while also being in a ungodly amount of pain. "Aww, the slave doesn't like the sweat? Good, heh heh, good! I'll make sure to make the next batch even grosser." Shatter announced loudly with pride. "You can drink it ALL when you wake up!" The Super Mutants words struck terror into the poor girls already racing heart but Rynn had no time to question what the green beast meant as the instant she opened her mouth Shatters left foot rose high into the air before swiftly slamming down. Upon impact Rynn was introduced to levels of pain she'd never dreamed of. The huge, filthy, sweat oozing sole came down with such force that her entire head was shoved down a inch or so deeper into the dirt with Rynn not even being able to scream as her face was completely smothered though she was fairly certain she was in far too much agony to make such a noise anyways. Then, to Rynns astonishment, the giant green foot lifted up and to the side where she could certainly still smell its rancid stench but now instead of seeing a dirt covered sole she was staring up at her sadistic Master whom seemed somewhat surprised. "Woah, good job slave, a good strong stomp like that has made all my other slaves go right to sleep, some never even wake up! Oh well...guess I'll try again." Shatter seemed rather eager to 'try again' and before Rynn could beg her forehead was savagely struck by the Mutants heel with all the force of a falling meteor, right away she let out a agonized croaking shriek as it felt as if her brain were bouncing all around within her probably now fractured skull. Shatters foot remained on the girls forehead, propped up on the dirt covered heel before it began to slowly drag downwards with Rynn trembling with fear as she just laid there, mentally begging god (Praise Atom) that she'd either receive mercy or that the next stomp would kill her. However a third stomp never came, instead the mutant just kept dragging his heel downwards with a great deal of force... it dragged overtop her glasses, completely flattened her nose and even tugged at Rynns lips exposing her dirt stained teeth before finally coming to a halt on her chin. The mutants foot towered over her face like a disgusting green obelisk, blocking Rynns view of Shatters face as he spoke as if he were trying to solve a complicated math problem. "Ugh, no more stomping, I don't wanna break your head yet. Hmm...ah, I have a idea!" No longer expecting even a bit of mercy from the cruel Super Mutant, Rynn remained fearfully unmoving as Shatters left foot lifted from her chin and rightfully so as it immediately slammed down onto the girls scrawny neck with a great deal of pressure which only struck more terror into Rynn whom began to anxiously breathe faster, causing her to suck in all manner of foul air from the left foot crushing her throat and the right foot still very much so flattening her chest. " more breathing allowed!" Shatter chuckled, suddenly leaning all his bodyweight onto his left foot which absolutely squashed the Couriers neck. Right away Rynns crying eyes shot wide open, she dugs her heels into the dirt and, to her own surprise, her hands grabbed at the foot and tried to pry it off which only made the Super Mutant push down harder as he laughed at the suffocating girl. "Fighting back again? Okay little human, let's have some fun...if you can move my foot I'll let you go." Rynn knew that there was absolutely no way she could even get the foot to budge but she also knew she absolutely didn't want to get choked into unconsciousness because whatever the mutant had planned would certainly be total hell for the enslaved girl. Only a few seconds had passed and already Rynn was feeling weak, her lungs burned and her head ached but that didn't stop her from grabbing Shatters heel with her left hand while clutching his massive meaty toes with her right hand. She pushed and shoved, pried and pulled and tugged at the oversized foot with all her might to no avail, though Rynn was incredibly determined and fueled by unbridled terror so she kept desperately trying to dislodge the pinned foot. "Oh, and when you lose our little game I'm gonna drag your body back to where the rest of mutant Brothers are, the ones you didn't kill!" Shatter said with a twisted snarling grin. Rynns fingers suddenly slipped as Shatter began to wiggle his giant toes with several of her fingers slipping into the filth and toejam filled spots in-between, Shatter then laughed maniacally as he scrunched his toes hard which mercilessly squeezed Rynns fingers, including her broken one forcing her to let a raspy, agonized shriek as she felt so much pain she immediately tried to pry her fingers free with her left hand. "What's wrong slave? I thought you wanted to be free? Your just rubbing my toes now, did you finally realize you're NEVER escaping? I'll be a nice Master though." The Super Mutants toes uncurled, allowing Rynn to once again struggle to free herself however just as that happened the Courier suddenly found herself lacking any strength whatsoever so her arms quietly flopped to the ground. Upon realizing this Rynn truly began to panic for at the moment she knew that she really would be damned to live out the rest of her life licking dirt from Shatters feet and cleaning his putrid boots but despite her intense hysteria Rynns eyes began to slowly close against her will, she tried to lift her arms to keep resisting but neither would move. "Good news though slave, if I accidentally choke you to death I won't eat you! No, you're way to scrawny, there's no meat anywhere on you. But don't worry, you're not gonna die, because your Master said so." Shatter announced loudly in a mocking, hateful tone as he watched as Rynns face tear and sweat covered face began to turn a bit blue which prompted a sinister chuckle from the mutant. "See? I said you were gonna lose, and you did! It's over little human, I win! I own you!" Through the cracked, sweat smeared lenses of her glasses Rynn could barely see thanks to her blurred vision but sadly she had no choice other than to stare up into the scowling face of Shatter, the sadistic Super Mutant whom she now belonged to. After a few seconds the Couiers eyes finally closed as she slipped into unconsciousness, leaving her at the complete mercy of the mutated abomination that had caused her unmatched suffering... *the screen fades, the game ends and the narrators somber voice narrated* "And so the Courier who had cheated death in the cemetery outside of Goodsprings cheated death once more but at a terrible cost...she would be dragged away to parts unknown, forced to live out the rest of her days as a frightened slave to her new Super Mutant overlord..."