Revenger B+W by Gaston25 on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Gaston25 on DeviantArt

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Gaston25's avatar

Published: Mar 14, 2007


I was able to sneak in a very quick sketch over the weekend, and drew everyone's favorite Canadian villain The Revenger! He is The Fightin' Canuck's arch-nemesis and is hell bent on taking back what was originally his. I will get some colors down when I get more time. I plan on throwing in some lasers, smoke, debris, and overall destruction!
For a more in-deth bio for the Revenger read this: [link] and [link]
Be warned that it is pretty lengthy, so sit back grab a beer, and enjoy!
On a side note, the Maple Leaf was just added and will be black as per the spiritual guidance of

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747x995px 215.2 KB

mattcrap's avatar

nice offsetting lines on the face- gives him a less traditional square-jaw.
Smoke, lasers, and debris will ONLY make this cooler. Lookin forward.