Warriors of Legend by GavinMichelli on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

leonidas : be seated , now , i want you to remember that no bastard , ever won a war , by dying for his country , he won it , by making the other poor dumb bastard die for HIS country , men , all this stuff you've heard about sparta not wanting to fight , wanting to stay out of the war , is a load of horse dung , spartans , traditionally , love , to fight , all REAL spartans LOVE the sting of battle , when you were kids , you all admired the brave hoplites who went off to war for the city , spartans love a fighter , and will not tolerate a coward , that is why sparta has never ran from , and never will run from , a fight , because the very thought of running is hateful to spartans , now , a army , is a team , it lives , eats , sleeps , fights , as a team , this individuality stuff is a bunch of crap , the bilious bastards , who wrote that stuff about individuality for greek tablets don't know anything more about real battle than they do about love-making , now , we have , the finest food and equipment , the best spirit , and the best men , in the world , you know , by zeus , i actually pity those poor bastards we're going up against , by zeus, i do , we're not just going to stab the bastards , we're going to cut out their living guts , and use them , to grease the wheels of our chariots , we're going to murder those lousy ragged bastards , by the bushel , now , some of you boys , i know , are wondering whether or not you'll chicken out under pressure , don't worry about it , i can assure you that you will all do your duty , the persians , are the enemy , wade in to them , spill THEIR blood , stab THEM in the belly , when you put your hand over a wet , sloppy spot , that a moment before was your best friend's throat , you'll know what to do , now , there's another thing i want you to remember , i don't wanna get any messages saying that we are retreating , we're not running away , let the ragheads do that , we are marching and charging constantly , and we're not interested in running anywhere , except toward the enemy , we're going to hold on to him by the nose , and we're gonna kick him in the ass , we're gonna kick the hell outta him all the time , and we're gonna go through him like crap through a goose , now , there's 1 thing that you men will be able to say when you get back home , and you may thank the gods for it , 30 years from now , when you're sitting around your cauldron , with your grandson on your knee , and he asks you "what did you do in the greco-persian wars" , you won't have to say , "well i shoveled shit in the mines" , alright , now , you sons of bitches , you know how i feel , oh , i will be proud to lead you wonderful guys in to battle anytime , anywhere , that is all