The Biggest In The Room by GenerationSidekick on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

(Art a commission from :icontateshaw: that was a birthday present from :iconduke89:. Thank you both!)

It had been some time since Reed Richards led the first expedition into space that went beyond the Earth’s moon. Far beyond it in fact, as with the technology and engineering used the craft was able to reach Pluto in a blisteringly fast time. However, the ship had issues that stemmed from a miscalculation on Reed’s part. The four were given what should’ve been a lethal dose of cosmic radiation. However that same radiation, mixed with some of the tech on board the ship. Ended up giving the Reed Richards and his crew superhuman powers.

Reed Richards’ body became elastic and able to stretch and pull to incredibly far distances, his ex-girlfriend turned best friend Susan Storm gained the power to turn completely invisible and create nearly equally invisible force fields. Reed’s other best friend and engineer Ben Grimm became able to change into a mountainous rock creature that was extremely powerful. The most unique was Reed Richards’ boyfriend and main engineer Johnny Storm however….

While spending the quiet Thursday afternoon working on a more potent sports supplement for athletes. Reed holed himself up into his science lab filled with all kinds of specially made equipment and supplies. The lab was giant, though still just a part of the space he called home at the top floors of the Baxter Building in downtown Manhattan. When the incident occurred, Reed’s guilt drove him to make something meaningful for him and his friends as an almost conscience cleaning measure that could do the world genuine good.

They became publicly known superheroes, The Fantastic Four they were christen after the four spent hours debating everything from name to costumes over laughs, coffee, and donuts. Even if Johnny ended up devouring most of the pastries. The team has since enjoyed a very positive reception from the public.

Quietly holding up a vial of what looked like a gel like dark purple liquid towards a desk lamp on his lab table. “Possibly going to require a more concentrated dose of calcium powder.” Reed pondered aloud, as the lab’s computer had an audio and video recording of his work ongoing. A standard procedure Reed liked to have when he worked on any of his almost countless projects. He was in his Fantastic Four uniform, with a lab coat draped over it more for the pockets. The suit was made for the countless issues that came with the team’s powers. A specially made compound he simply referred to as ‘unstable molecules’.

Before Reed though could get too much further into his work he heard the large metal doors of his lab slide open. The light from the outside hallway forcing him to squint as the large figure came in. Through even in a silhouette he recognized who it was, it was hard not too with the wide figure.

“Hey Reed…” Johnny Storm waddled in, also in the Fantastic Four uniform, his hand going through the side of his styled blond hair. Reed wasn’t the most socially adaptable person out there, but it was obvious Johnny looked really saddened about something. Watching his boyfriend walking in, head drooped slightly as he adjusted his suit over his bulging stomach and slowly waddling in.

When it came to the powers Johnny Storm had gotten from the cosmic radiation. The ability to not only create but be engulfed in fire, which in turn allowed him to fly. A particular side effect was that Johnny’s body created and stored fat cells so that they could be burned to create the fire. Meaning that while Johnny could be as lean and cut as he was before the incident. Now these days he more often weighs in excess of 300 to 400 pounds, even bigger after a really big meal.

Johnny though was able to adjust, he already had Reed in his life and was willing to take the trade in exchange to be able to fly. It still though caused issues with his still somewhat vain personality when people tease him for it. Sometimes he could laugh it off, other times though it would all build up and lead to moments like this.

“Johnny…” Reed strolled up to his boyfriend, after putting the vial in a rack. Giving his rotund boyfriend a hug as he got close which Johnny returned in kind. Even just being there seemed like it was helping Johnny. “What’s going on? I thought you were with Susan at her book signing?” Reed asked. As Susan Storm had planned ahead in the day a signing at a store in Times Square for her new autobiography.

As Reed pulled away Johnny sighed, trying to give Reed a strong smile. “Yeah I was.” Johnny stopped to rub his eye a little with his hand. “It was going great too, a lot of nice people, sis was super happy with everything.” Stopping to bite his tongue Johnny paused. “Then then reporters showed up for an interview. Man one of them was just being such a dick with their questions. For the both of us but it felt like he was making digs about me and the weight with each one. I just got frustrated and quietly left so I wouldn’t make things bad for her.”

Nodding in understanding Reed leaned down slightly to give his boyfriend a kiss on the cheek. Smiling warmly to Johnny, Reed stretched an arm over to get the metal doors closed and locked behind him. Already Johnny started to perk up again. “Sounds like someone wants to not be the biggest person in the room…” Reed suggested playfully.