Turning Red: Signing Miriam's Cast by GeorgeTheRedEngine15 on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Another collab with tanasweet123

Things weren’t looking good for Miriam, she gotten into an accident falling off of her skateboard breaking her arm. Mei and the others were devastated to hear what happened, they hoped she would be okay following the accident. The next day, Mei and the group were waiting by the Daisy Mart hoping Miriam would show up, Carter and Justine decided to join in as they got along very well with the group.

Mei: (sigh) I hope Miriam's okay, it sucks learning that her arm is broken.😞

Priya: yeah, I know. I just hope she can make a full recovery.

Abby: How long is that gonna take?

Stacy: I honestly don’t know.

Tyler: me neither, that’s what I’m wondering as well.

Carter: It should be about 12 weeks, let’s just hope it’s not too serious.

Justine: Carter's Right, My dad suffered a broken arm once and it healed, Miriam should as well.

Miriam finally showed up, she was wearing pink cast around her arm.

Miriam: Hey, Everyone

Mei: Hey, Mir. How ya feelin?

Miriam: Crappy.☹️

Megan: How’s your arm?

Miriam: It’s only a minor fracture, I should be okay in 12 weeks.

Justine: That’s what Carter said.

Carter: It appears that I was right. (chuckles)

Justine: Yep. (smooch)

Carter: Aw.😊

Miriam: My parents said you guys are allowed to sign my cast.

Everyone agreed and Miriam gave them a sharpie, they all signed their names on the pink cast.

Mei: Mir, I was wondering, what made you decide to get a pink cast?

Miriam: Well, simple, I thought of you.

Mei: Oh, Miriam you shouldn’t have.😊

Miriam: (sigh) it sucks that I have to wait weeks until my arm heals. I’m not sure if I’m gonna be able to take it.

Mei: It's okay, Miriam, I’m here for you, we all are.

Miriam: Aw, Thanks, Mei.

Abby: (sniff) That’s beautiful.🥹🥹

Megan: Aww, Abby, it’s okay.

Justine: Yeah, Miriam’s gonna be okay.

Abby: Thanks, I just hope things will get better when Miriam’s healed.

Carter: They will, it won’t be too long.

Miriam: So, Mei, Wanna head over?

Mei: Yep, Thanks for coming everyone.

Everyone: No problem.

Miriam: Thank you all for the cast signing, it really means a lot knowing that you’re there for me.

Stacy: We hope you feel better soon.

Miriam: Thanks, Stacy.

Miriam and Mei headed to her house While the others headed home, it was gonna be hard dealing with a broken arm, but Miriam knew she would heal and be back to normal in 12 weeks. She was happy to know that her friends and RPGF would be by her side, even in the toughest of times.

I never had a broken arm before, but I know it’s not fun to go through, let’s all hope Miriam heals fine.

Another big thanks to tanasweet123 for helping out on this

Turning Red is owned by Disney/Pixar