OC Collection 2 by Gi1t on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

In my ongoing endeavor to start drawing a lot of multiple figure drawings, I've drawn all of my Star Ocean OCs together.

On the far left is their ship, the ISC-Dragonfly. :D
(Slight discrepancy, the wings would obviously not be deployed in deep space, only immediately prior to entering a planet's atmosphere. XD )

I was a little concerned about the resolution of the characters, so I drew them a bit faster than usual. Hopefully that didn't hurt quality too much.

Here are the bios again, with one or two minor additions, including info about the Dragonfly.

Astera (center, in white)(21)

****The daughter of Edge and Reimi. She grew up in the service where she came to demonstrate her extraordinary potential. Unfortunately, her coming of age coincided with the unexpected outbreak of aggression from a previously unknown race. Despite possessing unnatural immunities to known aliments of the human race, she occasionally suffers bouts of an unidentifiable sickness with symptoms similar to withdrawal, (feverish chills, severe nausea etc.) She’s very confident and honest, but also unstable. Generally, she is unable to conceal her emotions. Even when she tries to, her truthful nature betrays her. It’s a tendency that often gets her into trouble. After she winds up in a brig at an outpost in the far reaches of space, Chrauss gives her another chance to prove her good intentions.

“Confidence is everything. You can recognize an opportunity, but if you’re not confident, you’ll miss it anyway, and it’ll be all the worse because you know you missed it.”

Chrauss (third from the right)(24)

****One of many Eldarians who still seek a life beyond their peaceful homeworld, and join the armed forces of their allies when they get older. His temperate personality and his knack for thinking before he acts earn him a high rank at a security outpost on the edge of enemy territory policing the area. He has spent the last four years of his service in the agreeable company of the android Ozin who is assigned to fight alongside him. In addition to the heavy straight sword he favors, he uses a synthetic caster on his arm which allows him to use most symbols without any charging. His life has been blessed with quite a bit of good fortune. Seeing the difficult times many others his age tend to go through, he often feels guilty and wants to do something to help if he can, though his willingness to help Astera seems to go beyond this.
(No relation to Faize)

Ozin: “You’ve been rather taken in by those green eyes of hers haven’t you?”

Chrauss “This was YOUR idea.”

Ozin “I suggested letting her go. It was YOUR brilliant idea to give her the fastest craft in our hangar.”

Chrauss: “Brilliant? It wasn’t THAT bad was it?”

Ozin (far right)(N/A)

****A relic of Eldarian military technology. Ozin is an android equipped for close range combat and defensive operations. Generally, he would serve as a sentinel onboard a vessel or at an outpost, but his partner has a different view of his potential. Whether he agrees or not, he follows Chrauss to the front lines of combat without objection. While he does have opinions, he tends to voice his thoughts as subtle observations rather than convictions. He prefers to let peoples’ mistakes speak for themselves and often considers a bad idea to be “interesting” or “fascinating”. Reasoning not based on logic is of great interest to him and it often occurs that the more intrigued he is by an idea, the less intelligent it is. His combat functions can be programmed to autonomous control or to manual neural input by Chrauss. He also has a feedback device that can interfere with symbols used on the field.

Chrauss: “Honestly, I’m not really sure about this…”

Astera: “Ozin seemed to like the idea.”

Chrauss: “Ozin is intrigued by ideas that don’t make any logical sense to him. If he says your idea is interesting it’s usually a bad idea…”

Astera: “Well, it’s nice to have some appreciation. Let’s go.”


Soren (far left)(29)

****A guard of no great consequence. He’s a member of a race that unexpectedly engages in open warfare against Earthlings and other races seeking new homes in space. He possesses no unique aptitude for combat and he doesn’t have any unusual physical capabilities compared to his peers. Yet he chooses to abandon his post rather than die a meaningless death. This he does in the hope of understanding the reason for the conflict and finding a way to make a real difference even if he dies in the process. The technology of his race is purpose-built to be used only by members of their own military. Beneath the mask are visible, permanent implants in his head and arms. However, in addition to allowing him to interface with their technology, rumor has it the implants affect his mind as well. Supposedly, it’s to help him deal with the strain of being a soldier, but the true nature of the alteration is not understood.

Although pensive, he’s more decisive than Chrauss. He isn’t generally prone to anger and takes Astera’s abusive attitude towards him as good-naturedly as he can. He doesn’t usually speak his mind unless he’s especially sure about what he wants to say. This can be a double-edged sword at times since people can’t help but wonder what he’s thinking.

His race is usually identified as “Deuvari” by humans, which is actually an inaccurate term in reference to the planet Deuvar where their forces were first encountered. No other actual term for them is known.

“Not knowing what to do with your life isn’t always a bad thing. For a soldier, knowing the purpose of your life can mean the end of it. I felt no purpose in my life when facing you in battle.”

Malei (on the left, in blue)(Unknown)

****An affectionate, cheerful girl from a newly discovered underground society. Her people possess a rare knowledge of advanced matter transfer and are able to jump between worlds easily despite being unaware that the worlds exist in the same dimension. Even more perplexing is their method of gravity control and astonishing physical regeneration. They generally stay underground and avoid direct contact with visitors, but Malei’s curiosity about the sky finally gets the better of her. Her enthusiasm is very sincere but her eyes also convey a certain wolfish guile. Despite being technologically ignorant she is by no means naïve. She consistently takes an interest in Soren and his desire to put an end to the war, insisting that he can be trusted and can define his own existence regardless of his neurological modifications.

“People don’t like to be honest with themselves. It scares them more than just about anything else, but if you can’t be honest with yourself, it makes it that much harder to understand everyone else.”

Zephyr (second from the right)(Unknown)

****A shapeshifter living on a world in enemy territory. His race are among the most evolved physical beings in the galaxy, though they live in a more tribal setting, and are often underestimated by hostile visitors who soon learn to keep their distance. Their bodies can seemingly consume almost any substance and absorb not only matter, but information from it. The biological process acts on an extremely small scale and is incredibly fast. Their brains have a function that interprets not only the makeup of the substance or object, but also observes irregularities indicative of its history. A shorter explanation would be that he eats random things and then gets philosophical about them. Fortunately, conscious beings are very low on their list of preferred sustenance. They often consider inanimate objects, particularly mineral substances, to be the most beneficial.

Zephyr is very easygoing; a testament to his name. He is not only the pinnacle of physical strength among his people, he is also the wisest, though his brother holds the official chieftainship and often refers to his wisdom. Wisdom is held in equal regard to strength in his society, and this gives great weight to his voice. He is given a lot of privilege by his people, and a gets lot of respect from others, but he handles it shrewdly, making his interests known through his actions, not his words.

“Believing you’re right about something doesn’t mean you can force others to see your point of view. Let others come to their senses of their own volition. Putting them on the defensive will only distract them from your point entirely.”

Astera: “You learned this from experience?”

“I learned it from a patch of moss.”


A stealth classification inter-atmosphere precision-strike fighter. It is designed to conceal its movements during interstellar flight and appear and vanish without warning. It is capable of entering almost any atmosphere at full speed, leaving little or no response time for any kind of defensive reaction. It supports a relatively small team whose living spaces are located mainly toward the inner spaces of the ship with the exception of a small observation deck above the bridge.

Most of its advanced features are recent developments based on examination of Deuvari warships. Both its weapons and its stealth capabilities are loosely based on their designs. However, development has been limited due to the Deuvari lock on their technology which only responds to Deuvar soldiers.


-1 Precision long-range heavy titanium cannon

-4 EM Burst Deep Impact Missiles