:pokimono: NPC-Katsuo by ginmushroom on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

:iconpokimono: :iconpokimono: :iconpokimono:

Name: Katsuo Tachibana /Su-san/Katsu-san
Age: 26
Pokemon: Houndour
Village: Scorched Mountain
Job: Bounty hunter

Ability: Flash fire - Powers up the Pokémon’s Fire-type moves if it’s hit by one.

Flamethrower - The target is scorched with an intense blast of fire. This may also leave the target with a burn.
Destiny bond - When this move is used, if the user faints, the Pokémon that landed the knockout hit also faints.

- strength
- kindness
- justice, the kind he believes in himself.
- fighting
- running
- weapons
- respect
- affection
- excitement/adventures

- Minoru
- Yuuma
- weak people who keep giving up- JUST DO IT.
- cold+water=ew no
- slimy things.... `L_`
- Minoru and Minoru's friends/acquaintances
- disrespect


Impatient | Stubborn | dedicated to his cause | Independent | Cooperative | Loyal | Irresponsible | Selfish | Soft

That being said, even thought he will more often come out as a stone faced killer, he is actually a big softie in the heart. He likes affection and gives it in certain situations back himself too, it's a give get deal. Although affectionate and soft, he isn't afraid to hurt people during a fight. He IS dedicated to his cause and he is stubborn so he will keep fighting you until he will win. Doesn't think of other people's fate, opinions or feelings when making his own decisions, he's focused on his own opinions and feelings tyvm, those matter most in his case.

Katsuo was born through unwanted pregnancy. His mother was a poor woman who left him abandoned to the streets of Noir Vale. A traveler found him on that day and brought him to the inn he was staying at. Soon after, this man returned to his home village in Gale to raise Katsuo like he was his own son.

Katsuo's childhood was pleasant under the care of this kind man, he got to eat well, have clean clothes and a roof above his head. And a thing to be most grateful for, he had a person to care for him and love him. Like a real parent. Katsuo was a happy child, even though times were slowly changing for him radically only when he was three years old.

For a year now, the house had held a woman in it too, and another boy... A very pretty boy, who seemed older than Katsuo. There was also one event when everyone had disappeared to the bedroom that belonged to his 'father' and the man's wife.
A birth of a son.
Katsuo was too young to understand everything about this, but ever since that day there was another son in the family to be cared for. Years passed, and the man who once was loving and caring to Katsuo, had become ill with drinking alcohol. He hadn't shown love or care for Katsuo in a long long time, and rather than that it seemed like this pink fluttery young man was getting all the attention instead....

Years passed and then one day, Yuuma's father left and took Katsuo with him on a long trip. The man had had enough of being stuck home under the constant care of a young boy and his unloving wife. Like he was about to lose his mind there already. They were gone for years, Katsuo had no idea why the whole trip was necessary. Yuuma's father kept talking about needing something interesting in his life before it ends. It confused the houndour back then, but he decided to focus more on enjoying the man's company for as long as he could have him to himself.
On their travels, Katsuo grew an interest for weapons due to seeing so many different ones of quality and design through their adventurous events with bandits and samurai's all around the land. And as Yuuma's father still had his ill needs for alcohol, they both drank a lot during their trip, ending up in even more dangerous and exciting situations. They got into many fights and through them, Katsuo learned to fight and defend for the both of them as Yuuma's father became too weak to fight himself....thanks to alcohol.
At this point Katsuo himself hardly touched those drinks, and he made his priority to get the man back home... Besides, every night the old man had been waking up in cold sweat. Seeing horrible nightmares of the 'future' or so he claimed.

Katsuo was 20 when they finally arrived back in the house of the Akahoshis. Yuuma's father on his shoulders, he brought him to the mother and the pink boy to care for. He was curious to see how the Akahoshi's son had grown up, but upon finding out what a useless and silent coward the brat had grown into, he felt like spitting on him. This son, was nothing like his father. In all truth, he felt like nobody in the house was worth of that father. Nobody but himself of course.
This selfish thought grew in him, since he had experienced so many adventures with the head of the family, he felt like he was on higher stage than anyone else. That showed through his behavior towards Yuuma. He ignored him and sometimes bullied the young xatu for being such a weak and useless thing. And that didn't go unnoticed by Yuuma's mother. The woman soon banished the houndour from the house...

There was not even slightest hint of a chance that the father would've come to defend him. He had been confined within' four walls in his room with the pink young man for many weeks.

So he was alone. For once in a long time, he was entirely alone. Since he had no intention on staying there to cry over his life, he left to Noir Vale to leave this unpleasant memory behind and in search of a job. He soon became a blacksmith with his varied knowledge of weapons and quickly acquired skills for making the real deals.
He learned a lot, his speed for progress was fast. In two years already though, he had gotten enough of the blacksmith's life. He felt like he needed to travel somewhere else in search of action, thus he dared to return to Gale Spring to check on the old man he had once though of as his own father. But once he arrived, the house was rather empty...Or at least it looked abandoned.
But after circling some rooms, he found a man and another one...Yuuma......and his father. But the sight before him was cruel. The Young xatu was holding his father in his arms, with a large puddle of blood spreading around him and...the body.

He was dead.

It horrified Katsuo, and in a moment, enraged him.
The houndour saw how the old man had stabbing wounds all over his abdomen. And the knife he had used for it supposedly, was right in the man's very own hand. He didn't care for the son's cries or how the coward felt about this. He was more concerned with how he felt about it himself. Awful. He felt honestly worst with these news. Minoru.... Was all he could think of. His thoughts in the moment were filled with memories of each time the older pink teen had smiled at him and disappeared each time to the room of Yuuma's father. Gritting his teeth, the houndour proceeded to bury the body with Yuuma, and he burned down the entire house of the Akahoshis, not taking any objections from the silent coward who stayed in his company.

As the flames flickered into the air before them, Katsuo made a run for it, only to be stopped by the wrecked case of a Yuuma. The young man sounded hopeless and broken, asking where was the houndour about to go to, and what should Yuuma himself do in this situation?

For the time that Katsuo had to stop to speak, he put his hands on the young Akahoshi's shoulders with his eyes staring deep into the other's.

"Forget everything."

Those were his last words before he shoved the xatu away from his person and ran.

Katsuo, leaving everything behind, traveled to the Scorched Mountains. And began once again training himself and building a plan for future. For revenge.
Years passed as he had made Scorched Mountain his home and worked as a bounty hunter. The job was much more to his liking this time, it had action and he could use his weapons for it. He enjoyed it, and he kept growing his strength and tactics.
While he keeps working as a bounty hunter, he is keeping his interests high for finding the rosy pink man with the name of Minoru. Driven by a grudge, he wishes to find him and drive him to a cruel fate, equal to the way that the old man had died.

Additional info:
- the skull he has on his face is painted.
- has a black skull as a birthmark on his chest though.
- his body temperature is naturally hella warm, what a big surprise.
- he..howls in certain occasions, let's not talk about it, it's embarrassing.
- If you're a friend of Minoru, i advice you to keep distance, you might get in big trouble with him.
- If you're an enemy of Minoru, feel free to approach him, you should be pretty safe. ;^J
- Um, don't touch his paws or his tail. He deems those as rather personal spots for no-one to touch.

Pokimono - Yuuma App by Massybeast

Katsuo (c) :iconmassybeast: