Gods of Egypt-Anubis 7 by GiuseppeDiRosso on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

GiuseppeDiRosso on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/giuseppedirosso/art/Gods-of-Egypt-Anubis-7-722289981GiuseppeDiRosso

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Published: Dec 27, 2017


Here is a cropped shot of Anubis from Gods of Egypt. This is my favorite character from this movie, its not saying much since there isn't a lot of character from anyone. Anubis seems to be the nicest and most respectful of all of the Gods, he allowed Hathor to give a bracelet to Bek to give to his dead girl friend so she could pay for a better afterlife. Hathor is the goddess of love for Egyptians. That would mean Anubis have a soft spot for Love.

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792x792px 369.19 KB

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