colors ych | open by Givvin on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Givvin on DeviantArt

Deviation Actions

Givvin's avatar

Published: Jan 29, 2020


I am trying to improve my aesthetic yeeh!


Set price is $7
Another size would be add $1 to the payment! (Examples)
Any species/gender! (day pup is a male example, night pup is female example)

▪️ Credit when using (Givvin on DA, and BunnyCrown on TH)
▪️ Don't claim as your own
▪️ Pay within 24 hours please!
▪️ Points and Paypal accepted (Paypal preferred tho)
▪️ Unlimited slots

Form to order:
▪️ Slots:
▪️ Character ref(s):
▪️ Version: (Day/Night pup)
▪️ Extras: (ANY extra you'd like. Piercings, wings, additional info)
▪️ Another version: (200x200/150x150/Custom/No)
▪️ Payment method:

Image size

100x65px 5.61 KB

Slots 1

Character ref


Night and male


Extras would be back fur

Extra version would be 200 x 200 and 100 x 100