Rise of the Horde by GlennRaneArt on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

GlennRaneArt on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/glennraneart/art/Rise-of-the-Horde-156508737GlennRaneArt

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GlennRaneArt's avatar

Published: Mar 7, 2010


Rise of the Horde. Painted for the novel cover.

Image size

464x700px 80.4 KB

Volsong's avatar

This is still my all-time favorite WarCraft art EVER! Grom is literally my favorite fictional character and I've always wanted a tattoo like his in this particular piece. Do you have a larger version showing the full tattoo or anything of just the tattoo? I've contemplated it over the years and could only assume it's based on a chaos star with the Warsong Clan's skull logo in the middle.