Sprained Ankle Accident by GMCYukonXLfan on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

GMCYukonXLfan on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/gmcyukonxlfan/art/Sprained-Ankle-Accident-1102349738GMCYukonXLfan

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GMCYukonXLfan's avatar

Published: 6 days ago


On the 14th this month and year I was in a red shed looking for something for my mom couldnt find it, it was hot in the shed I could feel my sweat on my forehead getting abit thirsty I was getting frustrated so when I was coming out Complaining not paying attention i misjudged the ground as I fell and severe twisted my ankle, According to the Emergency room Doc No fracture on my x-ray but had a bad nasty sprain so no weight on it. Today 10 days after still abit swollen not much pain but I feel some tight pressure around my ankle. Thats where I am now

Image size

3000x4000px 2.39 MB

Date Taken

Sep 24, 2024, 8:57:29 AM

Maple-Strawberry-Jam's avatar

Awww, that's too bad. Hope recovery stays smooth for you!