Not the Booty Foxy Was Looking For(Nope Chat Icon) by gold94chica on DeviantArt (original) (raw)
So, now we have an alternative ending to lol
Basically, Foxy's version of this
I was going to photoshop the Nope Door in, but I like this original idea better lol
Painfully pieced together, edited, and looped from here
(PS watch at your own risk lol):…
...animation bonnie chica eyebrows foxy freddy five nights at freddy's freddys gif intensifies photoshop pizza fnaf 5naf fnaf2 5naf2 fnaf3 5naf3 fivenightsatfreddys five_nights_at_freddys shock surprise nope nopenopenopenope omg wow cannotunsee mustunsee unsee seen scared no howaboutno gold94chica intense booty fox gmod pirate run sfm piratefox sourcefilmmaker sfmsourcefilmmaker coming comingforyou running comingtogetyou swiggity swooty swiggityswooty swiggityswootyimcomingforthatbooty abandon abandonship ship comingforthatbooty