Bee is for Bear by Goofermutt on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Goofermutt on DeviantArt

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Goofermutt's avatar

Published: Jun 1, 2023


While going out one day, Honeybunch feels a need to scratch her bottom to a tree when she felt an itch. She finds a nearby tree to scratch her butt on, but she didn't look closely as her bottom gets stuck in a honey hive. Meanwhile inside, Princess Daffodil takes sight of the intruding backside and proceeds to give her a bit of a sting session. Is it too late to tell her it was an accident?

Image size

1157x1613px 325.55 KB

mreiof's avatar

It obvious Princess Daffodil is really mad—she's stuck her stinger in Honeybunch's fanny as far as it will go. ^!^