UPDATED Honoka Reference by Gracellot on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Here she is, all new and improved!! I made changes to her hair, body and hero costume and I hope you all love her

New bio down below!

[ . : B A S I C . I N F O R M A T I O N : . ]

► Name: Matsumoto Honoka (Last, First)
► Alternative name: Miss Poker Face (Class 1-A), Bunbun (Mina), Flower (Parents)
► Kanji: 松本 保花
► Gender: Female
► Age: 15, turns 16 in the middle of Summer Break (Timeline I based it off of)

► DOB: July 19th

► Nationality: Japanese
► Weight: 102 lbs.
► Height: 5’ 5”

► Hero/Villain Name: The Fusion Hero “Synthesizer”

► Theme: Rolling Girl [English]

► Voice Actor:
Ja: Inori Minase (Rem, Re: Zero)
Eng: Stephanie Sheh (Beruka, Fire Emblem Fates)

[ . : S T U D E N T. I N F O R M A T I O N : . ]

► Affiliation: U.A./Yuuei

► Occupation: Student, hero-in-training
► Class: 1-A

[ . : P E R S O N A L. I N F O R M A T I O N : . ]

INFP | Cancer

► Personality: Shy | Quiet | Caring | Serious | Anxious | Dependable | Hesitant | Sweet

Honoka is an extremely reserved and shy individual who prefers to stay to the side and let other people do the talking. She hates being in the spotlight and will do anything in her power to not talk in front of a crowd or give a presentation. Part of this is her severe social anxiety while the other part is the fact that she was bullied as a child for her quirk. Because of that, Honoka takes awhile to warm up to someone or to be friends with them.

Under all the layers of shyness and social anxiety is a generally sweet girl who rises up to be the mom friend of the group. She’ll be your shoulder to cry on, bake you cookies if you’ve had a bad day, and will fuse with someone to beat their ass to the ground if they made you upset in any way. Honoka comes out of her shell more and makes puns often; she’s a sucker for puns and bad jokes in general. Honoka doesn’t seem like the kind to like jokes as she rarely shows people what she feels.
While she doesn’t look it, Honoka is also a very sensitive soul who takes all insults to heart; she’s trying hard to work past it, but it’s harder than it seems. The first time that Bakugou insulted her, she started crying; everyone was a bit freaked out to see ‘Miss Poker Face’ cry. While she’s a huge softy who’s a slight crybaby, she knows how to comfort her friends who are upset. Honoka is also a huge sucker for small animals and children, them often taking a liking to her extremely quickly as well.

Honoka also suffers from low self-esteem, social anxiety and depression; she joined the hero course in hopes of becoming a better person and overcome her past. She is guilt-ridden, always thinking that things could have gone differently if it weren’t for her. This is why she is often alone and rarely ever speaks; she fears that people will hate or leave her if they get to close so she pushes people away. Later on in the series we see her getting better with this and relying on her friends more.

► Likes
✔ Sweets

✔ Large sweaters, hoodies, any comfy clothes in general

✔ Studying and doing school projects

✔ Her friends and girlfriend

✔ Dancing and practicing music with Yui

► Dislikes
✘ People who make fun of other people’s quirks (Or lack thereof)

✘ Bitter foods

✘ Extreme weather

✘ Close-minded people who think they are always right

► Statistics
- power: ★★☆☆☆ D
- speed: ★★★☆☆ C
- technique: ★★★★★ A
- intelligence: ★★★★☆ B
- cooperativeness: ★★★★★ A

- battle ability: ★★★☆☆ C (Unfused)
- mental: ★★★☆☆ C
- heroism: ★★★★☆ B
- social abilities: ★☆☆☆☆ F
- cooking: ★★★☆☆ C
- romance: ★★★☆☆ C

[ . : A B I L I T I E S: . ]

Fusion: Honoka’s quirk allows her to fully fuse with another person to become one whole human being. During a dance, and only if the fusion is consensual, her cells basically absorb the other person’s cells and brain waves causing the two of them to become one person. Their appearances and thought process are combined as well, occasionally having more than two eyes or arms as well. Her quirk also causes the other person’s quirk to be amplified by 30+ percent. Her fighting style and stability of the fusion differs with each person she fuses with; stability is important as it is the physical and mental characteristics of the relationship with that person.

The longer fusion is stayed together, the more strain is put on Honoka and the other person’s mental and physical forms and they are mashed into one person. So far, she can fuse with someone for about an hour, but after the 40-minute mark, their mental fusion starts to deteriorate causing more conversations with themselves and around the 50-minute mark it becomes harder to stay fused. If fused for too long, Honoka’s body will reject the other person’s cells and the fusion with forcibly end. After a 30+ minute fusion, Honoka with have a headache and will be exhausted.

While fused, Honoka can pick up on the other person’s emotional wavelengths as they are in her own head. She and the other person can talk to each other in her mind leaving some people to question if she has telepathy as well.

Moves: Her moves truly depend on who’s fused with her. Down below is a list of all people, and their respective moves, that she has fused with so far:

Ashido Mina:

Todoroki Shouto:

Midoriya Izuku:

Yaoyorozu Momo:

Bakugou Katsuki:

Uraraka Ochako:

Matsumoto Yui:

Additional facts

- It has been hinted at that she may be able to fuse with more than one person

- Has strong legs for dancing, running, jumping, etc.

Other Abilities
- Is quite flexible, the most out of all 1-A girls

- Is acutely aware of others emotions to the point that some people thought her quirk was emotion related

[ . : B A T T L E S . A N D. E V E N T S : . ]

Matsumoto Honoka/Todoroki Shoto VS. Villains : Win
Matsumoto Honoka/Midoriya Izuku VS. Shinso Hitoshi : Win

Matsumoto Honoka/Ashido Mina VS. Aoyama Yuga : Win

[ . : R E L A T I O N S H I P S : . ]

► Family

Matsumoto Chihiro : Mother | Good Relationship

Even though Chihiro is always busy, she always has time to spend with her little girl. She is much more upbeat than her youngest daughter, but they always has a good time. Whether going to the movies, shopping, or just staying at home and criticizing horrible novels/fanfiction together, they always have a fun time together. Chihiro is also willing to do anything for Honoka; when she found out Honoka was getting bullied in elementary school she immediately went to the school and demanded the principal do something about it.

Matsumoto Hideyoshi : Father | Good Relationship

Hideyoshi is a lot more reserved and laid back than his on-the-go wife. Due to this, Honoka often goes to him for problems and will just talk with him about both random and serious topics. A lot of the time they just read books in the same room together, but that’s quality bonding time with each other in their eyes. Hideyoshi is also very sentimental and was quite upset when Honoka brought Mina home to introduce them; whenever she makes a big achievement he’ll cry in the corner and mutter about how ‘she’s so young’ or ‘my little baby girl.’
Matsumoto Yui : Older Sister | Great Relationship

Even though Yui is often busy with her Hero and Idol work so she’s rarely home, she always takes the chance to hang out with her little sister. Yui has always been there for Honoka when they were younger, especially since their parents were constantly busy with their work. She always texts Honoka whenever she’s away and always checks up on her during the school year and is willing to come back home to crystallize someone if they bully Honoka. Yui was actually the one who helped Honoka get into Yuuei/U.A. by fusing with her for the entrance exams.

► U.A High

Ashido Mina : Love Interest/Girlfriend | Great Relationship

When Honoka first met Mina she thought that she was extremely cute and thought her bubbly personality was adorable. Mina was quite curious about Honoka as she rarely spoke and stayed by herself. After about a week of them just kind of eyeing each other from a distance, Mina finally went up and tried talking to Honoka starting with a simple question. The two started talking and slowly became friends; after a joke about Bakugou, Mina was the first person to see Honoka laugh (other than her family), making her realize that she had a crush on Honoka. Honoka slowly realized that she had a crush on Mina as well after they had hung out together at the mall and Mina kept pointing out all the cool merchandise. After Chapter 73-75 (?) Honoka confesses to Mina as she was distraught over what might of happened since she wasn’t with her. The two begin dating and are quite fluffy and slightly PDA with each other. Mina calls her ‘BunBun’ and Honoka calls her ‘Bubble Gum’ and they hold hands wherever they go, always text each other, and study with each other for exams/tests.
Yaoyorozu Momo: Best Friend | Great Relationship

Honoka was having some trouble in Algebra so Ms. Hiko had Momo become her tutor. Well, the two slowly hit it off. The two of them often talk to each other about things and go shopping (whenever Mina doesn’t go with her). Honoka often asks Momo for advice and will give emotional support as well. The two of them are quite close and study for tests together. They are both mom friends as well, so they sometimes talk about how the others ask for their help and tell each other stories of what happened.

Uraraka Ochako: Good Friend | Good Relationship

Honoka and Ochako were paired up for a science project right? Well, Ochako accidentally used her quirk and made their rocket fly up to the ceiling and explode. That was the first time that the entire class saw Honoka laugh like that. The two of them became science buddies after that and do a lot of their science stuff together. Honoka often jokes around about that.

“Ochako, please don’t explode our science project. Again.”

“That was ONE TIME, HONOKA.”

Asui Tsuyu: Friend | Good Relationship

When Honoka first met Tsuyu, her immediate thought was that she was adorable and she had to protect her. The two of them like to talk about hero work a lot and talk about future jobs they might get.

Jiro Kyoka: Friend | Good Relationship

These two became friends when Miyu, the ever-present social butterfly, wanted to create a band. She wanted Kyoka to play the drums, Mami the keyboard, and Honoka to play the guitar. The two of them didn’t want to be there so they bonded over that. Now they talk about different bands and the kind of music they like.

► Villains
She doesn’t like any of them or the fact that Immuno is interested in her

► Original Characters

Sakyu Miyu : Close Friend | Great Relationship

Sakyu Mami: Close Friend | Great Relationship

Rina-Chin Phorcys Messa : Friend | Good Relationship

mananeez Ikizaki Onika : Close Friend | Great Relationship

killyi Sato Emiko : Friend | Good Relationship

[ . : M I S C E L L A N E O U S : . ]

► Trivia

- Is in seat 21

- Is the best dancer in Class 1-A, is the best at Latin and Belly dancing

- Has the biggest sweet tooth and loves sweet buns, hence her nickname from Mina

- Can’t stand spicy or sour food

- Has a stuffed animal army and at least two life-sized cat stuffed animals

- Likes girly clothes such as large sweaters, turtlenecks, high-waisted skirts, bows, ruffles, and pastel colors

- Also likes punk clothes such as leather jackets, heavily ripped up jeans, thick/multiple belts, fishnet, arm warmers, and chokers

- Her fashion sense is a mix of the two clothing styles above

- Loves floral, plaid, striped, and minimal patterns

- Her favorite book genres are fantasy, sci-fi, and romance

► Quotes
- (To Yui) “But sis, Yuuei will be great for me; it can let me grow to be a hero so I can help others in need, like you do!”

- (To Mina) “Why are you always smiling? How can you do that after all that you’ve been through? …. All the ‘friends’ I have known left me broken and alone but you… You always come back to me to try and brighten up my life… Why?”

- (To Izuku) “No, you’re right. In order for me to be truly happy with myself I need to let go of my past. But the thing is… I don’t know if I can do it.”

- (To Mami) “It’s not that easy to confess to her Mami, what if she doesn’t feel the same way about me? I wouldn’t want to ruin this friendship…”

- (To Miyu) “Hey, hey; what kind of underwear do clouds wear? Thunderwear!” gets hit with a book

- (To Bakugou) “Yeah, I am quiet, I am shy; but that’s why you should be afraid of me, because I’m damn well aware of how asshole’s like you treat people like me and I refuse to let you walk all over me like a doormat!”

► Tropes Socially-Awkward Hero, Cute Bookworm, Fragile Flower, Guilt Complex, Awesomeness by Analysis, Sheep in Sheep's Clothing, Aloof Ally, Cute Mute