Rick and Morty - The Psionicverse by Gulliver63 on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

A panic stricken Morty watched the two figures walk across the lawn towards them. "Gee Rick, that lady is going to be ticked off with us walking through her garden."
"Let me handle this, Morty...they're just an (urp) average suburban family here..."

Rick and Morty decided to take a short cut through one of the Gulliver universes, which can be a risky thing to do. In this case, they've landed in Universe 18, the Psionicverse. Now they'll have to face some tough questions to make sure that they're not from the dreaded Psionic Liberation Front, and that they're friendly with the Alliance. I've visited this universe last month Universe 18: The Psionicverse by Gulliver63 on DeviantArt . After a deep mind scan, both travelers were allowed to continue their journey.