Petyr Baelish Lord Protector of the Vale by Gutter1333 on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Gutter1333 on DeviantArt

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Gutter1333's avatar

Published: Jan 15, 2014


"Distrusting me was the wisest thing you've done since you climbed off your horse." Lord Petyr Baelish to Eddard Ned Stark

Colour Pencils on A4 paper.

Image size

5184x3204px 10.22 MB

Date Taken

Jan 15, 2014, 6:57:12 AM

shanavii's avatar

Amazing like always ;) I especially admire the skin. I got great set of coloured pencils for Christmas, but I can't make realistic skin with them. So I appreciate your skills even more 👏