HaikyuAnimeLover User Profile | DeviantArt (original) (raw)


Part 1 The first thing she noticed was the terrible cold, which slowly ingulfed her body and tickled on her skin uncontrollably. It was silent. A dangerous silence and she knew all too well, that her life was on the line now. The dark atmosphere around her was enough to realize in which trouble she was in. "God my body hurts...", she whispered exhausted and slowly tried to get up, but the sight before her let her froze in the spot. Eyes widened her look wandered around her surroundings and let her gasp of shock. She knew that it was daytime, but there was no sunlight. The environment around her was wittered and slightly covered by a uncomfortable fog. She knew this place. Everyone at Hyrule knew it, but only stories were told of its look and she was surprised that all the gossip, legends and talkings about it were totally true. It was a terrifying land and no one ever dares to step across the border to reach it on free will, because evil was lurking around every corner. The dark realm. "(Y/N)...This time you messed up pretty bad", she whispered to herself and felt completely lost of what to do. How could things excelate like that? Shuddering of the happenings moments before, (Y/N) couldn't believe that she was still alive. Even, if it led her into this mess. She could clearly see the scene before her eyes. Her once laughing and smiling self of having a great time at Lake Hylia with her family and friends and the next moment, terrifyed of facing an gigantic storm. The weather had often changed, if it got quite hot, but this time it was overwhelming. Dark clouds let everyone pack their things to leave. (Y/N) quickly gathered everything together, which she took with her. The wind got stronger with every second and with it everyone's uneasiness. Sadly she was farther away from the others, because of some exploring by the lake and needed more time. The moment she was ready, she noticed how difficult it got to just walk normally. The wind pushed her roughly forward. Looking out, she was relieved that her family was already rushing inside the laboratory for safety. (Y/N) remebered how her mother was calling for her by the door. The image of her scared expression still gave her goosebumps. She was running. Like a maniac she followed the path to get to the others, but it was too late.  Everyone was screaming her name. Her parents were about to leave their shelter to help her, but were stopped by the others for their useless attempt. With force she was lifted up in the air and roughly flew in all directions. Her vision got blurry of the cold wind. Heavy raindrops splashed against her skin and felt like to get slapped by someone. Screaming (Y/N) hugged herself and tried to protect her body of the impact, which soon would come. She lost her orientation. Didn't realize that, at that moment would soon lose everything she got. Up and down, turning and falling, the storm ingulfed her completely and dragged her away. Far away. But never would (Y/N) have thought to land here. And still alive. In between her journey she desperately believed that this was her end now. She would sure crash into something and die alone somewhere unknown. But she survived this hell of a ride, but wasn't sure, if she should be happy about it. Her current situation was far more worse than being in that storm. Slowly she tried to get up and felt relieved that she was able to walk. Still a bit dizzy, (Y/N) gave her body a closer look for any injuries and bite her lip after touching a big bloody gash on her arm. "It must have been the shock that i didn't recognize it sooner.", she whispered and teared up her already torn shirt to cover the wound with its fabric. Hugging herself she watched her surroundings uneasy. Where to go? It seemed that she landed in some kind of woodland. She didn't know how far she traveled across the border. How deep she was trapped in this world, which was forbidden to enter for people of the light realm. Honestly no one would dare to go there. Everyone knows how dangerous it was. After all it was Ganondorf's territory. A sudden sound of breaking wood let her jump back in fear. Desperately searching for the source, (Y/N) could feel how she slowly lost the control of her body. Her emotions took over. Frightened she started to run. The feeling to be watched was unbearable. Who was already after her? Which monster would get her and end her life in the most cruel way possible? Tears rolled down her face. Helplessly she ran deeper and deeper into the unknown. In a way it felt pathetic to run away from evil, but at the same time, maybe run right into it. The sound of growling let her stumble and whimpering frustrated. "It's useless... completely useless. Where should i go...where to hide....", (Y/N) sobbed bitterly, but still her body kept moving. It was like an inner instinct to fight till her last breath. Suddenly she bumped into something hard and fell roughly onto her back. Shocked her look landed onto a black horse, which pierced her with its intense look. Before she was able to look up to its owner, she could hear noises behind her back and quickly turned around to see what was going on. It was like the darkness was slowly consuming her. Eyes in all different kind of colors appeared in the dark and were watching her shaken form dangerously. Holding her breath she stepped back and could feel the other dangerous power behind her. Holding onto her torn shirt she turned around again and looked up to be met with pure horror. Deep red eyes were glaring down at her for coming so close. Snow white hair, long and pulled back into a ponytail. Pale skin, only seen by demons and clothed in pitch black, he quietly observed her ridiculous existence. The growling started to get louder, but she was glued to the ground and couldn't move anymore. The man's look narrowed and wandered behind her, which let the monsters at the back fell silent in an instant. (Y/N) was trapped and by the way the other cretaures were acting, she sure had the luck to run into a very dangerous person. Alone the way he looked, dressed like a soldier, she was sure that he was one of Ganondorf's fighters. Breathing heavily, she fall to her knees. (Y/N) never pleaded for her life. Never felt so scared and facing death in such a horrible situation. The unknown was making her crazy. It was too much to handle that she completely gave up. Exhausted of the events, her vision got black and fell uncouncious. "Pathetic..." His deep intimitating voice was the last thing she noticed. The monsters were growling hungrily and getting impatient. Slowly they made their way to their target, while licking their lips in amusement. "Did i allow you to come closer?", the warriors angered tone let them jump back in fear and whimpering helplessly. Looking down he thought of what to do with her. It wasn't everyday that someone from the other side got this far into the dark realm. He was curious. Interested if this was maybe some kind of plan of the princess of hyrule. But beside that this woman didn't really look like a spy, she also seemed quite helpless and weak. "Who knows...Maybe that's an act.", he whispered to himself and got down from his horse. Stepping beside her and getting down on one knee, he brushed some hair out of her face. He could just leave and end this, by letting the monsters do their work, but he couldn't get himself to move. He wanted to know. Taking her bridal style, he got back onto his horse and left into the darkness. On his way he pulled his black cape over her form to hide her from the others. He hated it to get disturbed by someone. No one should see or find out till he decided to. Her life was in his hand.