Single Stamp by HanakoFairhall on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

I wasn't sure what category to put this in, so DeviantStamps seemed okay, I hope I chose correctly ^^;

I was originally going to put this in scraps(and might in the next day or so) but I do want people to see this.

I think it's just fine to be single, I'm actually kind of annoyed at how single folks are often portrayed in popular media 🥐

The ring in the picture really is a ring meant to tell other people that you're single, it's called a Singelringen, nice piece of jewelery, I'll try to get one for myself one day =)

And I did make sure as best I could that the photo is allowed to be used for this purpose ^^;

Singelringen Website:


This stamp is allowed to be used in journals on DA but please link back to this deviation by using ':thumb', then the deviation number, then ':' (subscribers only)

Edit: To those who are wondering, yes, I am single, and I feel alright being single, I have enough companionship in my life, and a pretty good thing going for myself ^^

Also, this has now become my most favorited item in my gallery =D

2nd Edit: I appreciate each fave I get on this, and I'm sorry for not saying Thank you to each person who faved this, but frankly, it is getting to the point that it's becoming I guess a little overwhelming to thank people for the faves, I mean, It's well over 3000 now, but, Thank you in advance (and far back) for the faves you've been giving :hug: