Database by Harusarchus on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Yeah I'm working on her again... You have no idea how many times I changed her design... Lets see if I can bond with this concept :| in the background you see the most developed past desgins xD I had many between, but only uploaded those three here... Mweh~

[will fill this out later some more]

Name: Database
Nickname: DB, 'Debbie', Base
Age: unknown
- Human Equivalent: ~25
Height: check the TF Height Chart
Species: Cybertronian
Gender: Femme (female)
Faction: Neutral, but leans to the Autobot-side (former Decepticon)
Function: Data Collector, some medical experience
Universe: Transformers: Prime
Voice Actor: Sigourney Weaver

Unique Ability:
- Can link with other bots' processors with her 'hair' (like Flower)
- (her partner Download)
- Can teleport (still in test phase; she couldn't get a new T-cog, but volunteered to test the teleportation device)

Alt. Mode: - none, has no t-cog (Flower ripped it out and damaged that area so much with that move, that she's not even able to get a new one)

- blades made of energy on her forarms, can throw them, but not shoot

- medical experience
- quick mind

- being needed or helping others
- learning how to be a better medic
- A Mantis bug-bot she nursed back to health and kept her as pet

- being compared with Flower

- right shoulder, she's missing a piece of armor there (Flower. Again.)

- often appears stern, but is quite caring and can be funny
- sometimes melancholic

- Before the Cybertron War
Did not exist then

- During the War
Like Flower she was constructed shortly before the war on cyberton ended. When the 1st generation of her series attacked the 2nd she fled with the first chance she got, but couldn't get rid of Flower. [that's when she started a symbiotic connection with Download, who she met during this time] The blue mech chased her through space until he finally hit her, but they crashed on earth. Both were injured and Database went almost offline. Flower, who thought she was deactivated for good, went his own way. Database however survived, but was highly damaged, also Flower had ripped out her T-cog, so transforming was no option anymore.
Database tried to hide and evetually managed that. The femme was too damaged to do much, she had lost connections to her legs and one arm. Since she had no problem with recharging, unlike Flower, she went into stasis. Until she picked up the hippies signal again. That was when he joined the decepticons on earth. She had enough from hiding and fearing the hippie, so she contacted both, the autobots and the decepticons. To get their attention she promised them her processor with all her data. Who ever reached her first would get all the informations she had stored since she was constructed, whatever it was and she'd go offline after that. The autobots of course were just a bit faster and were able to retrieve what was left of DB. She decided to join the autobots instead of offlining herself and finally was getting the needed repairs she procrastinated for so long. She wasn't completely repaired, still missing some parts of her armor, but she was feeling better with every day.

- Present

[- _After TF: Prime_]

OC Relationships: Happy Flower - he's kinda her older brother. But she fears his cruel nature, since he almost offlined her when they crashed on earth
SeamRipper - Future Sparkmate. At first he got her interest because he had made similar experiences as her other brother, Ash, then she noticed his kind personality and adored how he handled things so far and then fell in love with him.
Split Second - Some kind of little brother/adopted son.
Ashblade - Like Flower, Ash is some kind of older brother to her.
Patchwork -
Sparkling with Ripper -

Roleplay development:
- none so far