Furries by Haters-Gonna-Hate-Me on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Haters-Gonna-Hate-Me on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/haters-gonna-hate-me/art/Furries-204288931Haters-Gonna-Hate-Me

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Haters-Gonna-Hate-Me's avatar

Published: Apr 10, 2011


:iconfurryplz::iconfurriesplz: <---- Seriously... what the hell is that shit?

Image size

99x56px 6.19 KB

Badgercliff's avatar

Ahem! Hear-ye, Hear-ye, Queen Mary of the Furries has called you to the dungeon to be EXECUTED! Please arrive early, or else we shall have to punish you in the worst way ever. Making you wash a white fursuit that has been through mud.

Stop. Discriminating