P-C :: James by hatsukoin on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

for the group :iconpocket-crest:



Name: James
Nickname: n/a
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Birth-month: June
Height/Weight: 5'8" | 186 lbs
Nationality: Theocracy of Nexura
Class: Dark Mage
Occupation: Nomadic Scholar - travels around learning and teaching new hexes and spells. Sometimes does favors for others.

Pokemon: #094 Gengar
Type: Ghost | Poison
Nature: Serious
Ability: Levitate - half damage from ground moves, higher mobility.

Weapon: Dark Tome

Moves Set:
Hypnosis - The user employs hypnotic suggestion to make the target fall into a deep sleep.
Mean Look - The user pins the target with a dark, arresting look. The target becomes unable to flee.
Dark Pulse (egg) - The user releases a horrible aura imbued with dark thoughts. This may also make the target flinch.
Shadow Ball (egg) - The user hurls a shadowy blob at the target. This may also lower the target's Sp. Def stat.

+ surprisingly sleeping, but always has dark circles under his eyes.
+ studying tomes
+ seafood
+ experimenting with spells
+ traveling at night

- people who are immediately afraid of him. he will become uncomfortable.
- heights for the most part.
- the sun tbh...
- bad hygiene
- being called pretty

- He isn't a quiet person so to speak, he's just extremely blunt, usually assuming that everyone automatically understands what he means. He can get irrationally impatient with others because of that.
- He's a very serious person but is constantly put off that he comes off as intimidating.
- He reads a ton of literature so he's a pretty passionate person at heart, but will rarely show this. Probably the most likely to break down and confess everything to his closest friend.
- He's a very logical / perceptive person when it comes to spells and battle moves but fails to use it in social situations.
- ((more to add))


Growing up in a conservative household had come with many hardships for a young James. His mother was always very strict with him and his twin sister, Aubrey. She strongly believed in her family's customs and seemingly made it her goal to pressure her children into following the same path as their ancestors. These customs included the male members of the family to master the sword while the women studied magical tomes and wielded staffs to support the males. However the twin's had distinctive personalities that would make it difficult for them to conform to their mother's wishes. James was a quiet and studious child, he enjoyed reading and learning new information while Aubrey was much more adventure driven, spontanious, and bold. Despite their differences, both twins supported each other through thick and thin. They took their lessons under their mother's orders: James practiced swordfighting with his instructor while Aubrey studied tomes with her professor. When the day was over, the twins would meet in secret and teach each other what they had learned. James honed his dark magic while Aubrey tried her hand at the blade. The twin's father was a much more lenient parent and had always believed his children should follow their own ambitions. So upon discovering the twins' plan he decided to help them out by teaching Aubrey various sword techniques during their secret training. Eventually their mother learned of their private lessons and became furious. Only after some coaxing from her husband, she came around, but it caused her to become wary of her family.

With the rise of freedom within their nation, the twins' father had become more ambitious with his actions, leaving the house frequently and traveling every now and again. Meanwhile, his wife became restless and in turn would take her frustration out on her kids by piling more work and expectations onto them. Pressure from his mother is what made James take on most of his father's responsibilties, but the work was bareable with Audrey by his side. One morning, their father announced that he would leave on "his biggest journey yet", and although he promised he would return, the family never recieved so much as a letter from him even after a year. Once again, pressure was rampant in the family, and James became in charge of supporting the family. During this time he would be put under endless stress to make sure the family had enough necessities to keep themselves afloat. If it were not for his sister's support, James would've caved long ago. She was better suited to lead the family but their mother's beliefs kept her from taking charge.
Meanwhile their mother began to doubt her son's abilities. The family had been struggling ever since James had taken his father's place. She was convinced that her ancestors had cursed her son for going against tradition, that he was bringing the family to ruin with malicious practices. She confronts James about this one day, and much to his dismay, he begins to fear his mother's thoughts. She drives him out of the family to "avoid bringing his sister down with him" and he's forced to leave with a heavy heart.

James didnt have the chance to take much with him after leaving his family. He was very lost for a long time, often worrying about his mother and twin. He realized he missed Aubrey more than anything, it became a sort of handicap for him to function without her. Talking to others proved more difficult without the "social buffer" his sister provided, and while James was very intelligent, he lacked his sister's charisma, causing him to lose many opportunites along the way. A chance meeting changed this however, he spotted a group of mages being hassled by thugs one evening. He observed them for the most part, thinking of the best way to help the group out but a simple harmless shadow spell scared the thugs away, on top of James' mean look. The group of mages thanked him but had also become impressed by his abilities. They saw potential in him and took him into the group. James was excited to finally have is life in motion, he wanted nothing more than to talk to his sister about his accomplishments. One night he wrote a lengthy letter just for her, but over thinking it, thoughts of his disapproving mother came to light. Maybe she had been right all along, his family could be doing a whole lot better now that he was gone. Once again he stopped himself, and has kept the letter ever since.

Other Information:
- Secretly slips adventure novels in between his dark magic tomes, the protagonists always remind him of his sister, and he aspires to become as noble and brave as them. wont admit it though, and will deny the book is his if he's found out.
- He wears a lot of dark clothing so he tends to bleed from his nose if the weather gets too extreme. However he will not admit that it's because of his clothing and refuses to take it off.
- Eyes glow red when he becomes angry, or whenever he's in a heated battle.
- Has a twin sister hes very close with.
- Carries his letter within the folds of his clothes, it's very important to him.