Paw Patrol: Cold Fear (Chapter 5-4) by HavocHounds on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

A Choose Your Own Adventure Game Written By HavocHound


-At the end of each entry there will be a set of questions. You must choose which option the character takes. Some answers will lead to good outcomes, others will lead to bad outcomes. To put in your vote for a choice, you must comment below.

-Each commenter puts one point into a certain choice and its one point per comment, It will be your first answer only. No take backs or changing your vote. You can, however, write something in to persuade others to follow your vote.

-The voting end date will be on the bottom of the page.

-Any characters killed in this Choose Your Own Adventure stay dead. The game ends when you reach the ending or if all the characters are killed.

-No requesting your OC’s or certain pairings, I already have that planned.

-You can join the game at any time.


(Location: VIP Cabin, Time 10:07 PM, POV: Zuma)

“A game?” Zuma asked in disbelief. “You want us to play a sick twisted little game not just for our lives, but Ryder’s as well?” It was then that Zuma let out a harsh laugh that made Chase raise an eyebrow. “You really have lost it. No, I think it’s clear now that you aren’t the Chase we knew and loved. He died a long time ago and you’re just a psychopath in his place.”

“Zuma’s right,” Ella said, glaring at Chase. “Quite frankly Chase, I’ve always disliked you for how you ran away like a coward, but now I can say without any guilt that I hate you for doing this to us. We’re not playing your game. We’re going to save Ryder and we’re going to stop you. You're no different then Ex-Mayor Humdinger, Harold, Ladybird, Copycat, or the Ruff Ruff Pack. You’re just a criminal and we’re going to take you down.”

“You realize I have Ryder in my paws and can kill him any time I want, right?” Chase commented on the screen.

“That’s a risk we’re willing to take,” Zuma said, firmly.

Chase was quiet for a second before growling. “Tch, you’re no fun. Good luck trying to find us. This entire mountain is under my control. And it will be your grave sight when I’m done with you all.”

And then the TV shut off.

Zuma motioned for Ella to follow him as they walked out of the cabin where they couldn’t be heard by Chase. Sighing, Zuma asked Ella, “Okay, since we just basically told Chase to go F himself, how are we going to find Ryder?”

“There has to be another way inside without going through the cabin,” Ella muttered. “If Tuck were here we could have gone through that pathway he came out of and maybe found something there...”

“Well, we did find clues in those houses. Maybe there are more clues there?” Zuma asked. “I mean, Chase put all those...bodies in those jail cells so there must be a passageway hidden somewhere.”

“Good idea, it’s the best we got so far,” Ella said as she and Zuma hurried down the mountain path.

(Location: Mountain Path, Time 10:10 PM, POV: Everest)

Everest had traveled up the path for a while until she finally found herself outside at last.

Sighing in relief, she took in the fresh air and started walking down the mountain, passing by trees along the way. She tried activating her dog tag to get someone on the radio, but it was jammed for some reason. “Darn it, I’d give anything to see a familiar face.”

She still didn’t know if Rocky was alright or if those beasts had gotten him too. Not to mention the others had to have been searching for her and Rocky by now which meant they were in danger as well. If only I had a signal to let them know where I was...then again that might attract the attention of the werewolves.

She had to get back to the cabin as fast as possible. Double timing it, Everest continued down the mountain until she found herself in a very near a very familiar place. “Wait, this is that mountain that Marshall and I skied on. The one with the neon lights,” Everest said to herself in realization. Memories of that horrible night came to her as she tried to push back her trauma to focus on what was going on in front of her. The place looked like it was still as fresh as it was two years ago.

Checking the cabin, Everest winced upon seeing that the big generator powering up the place was clawed and ripped apart with large claw marks all over it. “So that’s what caused the lights to go out...” She had a sudden suspicion that tonight wasn’t the first time she had met the werewolves. “Then that would me...Marshall was...”

Marshall was killed by the werewolves.

A new emotion began to rage inside Everest to the point where she kicked a nearby bucket as hard as she could. Growling, she couldn’t remember the last time she felt so angry. For years she had wanted something to blame for Marshall’s death besides herself and now she did. The werewolves.

“I’ll kill them...I don’t know how but I’ll see this entire mountain burn with their corpses if I get the chance,” Everest growled as she took a deep breath and tried looking around for more clues. She stumbled upon some rusty gear before noticing a map that showed the Cable Car station nearby and a thought came to her. “Is it still working?”

With that thought in mind, Everest rushed outside as fast as her tracks could.

(Location: Ranger Station Path, Time 10:10 PM, POV: Rubble)

Meanwhile, Rubble was leading Tuck towards the path of the ranger station. He had done his best to forget what Tuck said about Chase because it was still too painful to hear. Chase had been like an older brother to Rubble ever since he joined the Paw Patrol. Even tonight he thought that they were rebonding together as friends.

Was it all a lie, Chase? Rubble thought. Were you really planning to kill us all?

Rubble’s thoughts were interrupted by the sound of a howl that made him and Tuck freeze in place. “Um, was that you?” Rubble nervously asked as Tuck turned around and gulped.

“No...that was him...”

Rubble turned around and gasped upon seeing what had to be the biggest wolf he had ever seen. It was pure white with some black around it and was standing on two legs with arms as long as a male human. It looked at the two with bloodlust as it howled and soon charged.

“Run!” Rubble shouted as he and Tuck ran as fast as their paws could allow them to do so. They continued down the path, jumping over rocks and trees while the creature started chasing them on all fours like a dog itself.

A fork in the road soon came and Rubble tried to remember from the map which direction to go. Both equally were the same length to get to the ranger station, but the left path took them to a small canyon while the right took them near some cliffs.

He had to make a choice and make a choice fast.


-Go Left

-Go Right

-Use Fate Coin (1 Remaining)