What the Hell? (Remake) by hawk2495 on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

I figured it was high time to restart a series I tried a couple of years ago. Star Trek: Specter of the Past. Here's part one. I'll be rewriting the story for each scene and hopefully I can keep my flow and finish this time. I'm going to take my time though. Maybe one a week. Two at the most. Try not to burn out on it like I did last time.

Bit O' Story

Stardate 57311.8

The U.S.S. Enterprise, under the command of Captain John Stanton, enters the Szibrini System on the edge of the Madiera Sector. An area of space Captain Stanton knows all too well. His last extended visit to the region was while he was in command of the U.S.S. Eagle during the waning years of the 23rd century. This time he wasn't here to fight Klingons, but to investigate a derelict ship reported to be drifting through the system. Stanton was unsure why the Enterprise had been called in to deal with it. There were plenty of other ships in the area, but it came in as personal request. Admiral Janeway didn't say who requested it, but he had his suspicions.

"Captain, I have the vessel off of our port bow." Lt. Commander Worf reported from tactical.

"Any ID on her yet Mr. Worf?" Stanton, was still surprised that Worf had decided to join his crew.

"Not yet sir." Worf replied staring down at his board. The secondary star in the system was undergoing an unusual phase of activity. The radiation being emitted was heavily interfering with the Enterprise's Sensors. The next scan pass came back much clearer than the last. The sensors were beginning to adapt to the radiation making scanning much easier. "Interesting. Sir, it appears to be a Constitution Class starship."

"Really?" That caught Stanton off guard. "Put her on screen if you can." He stood up from the Center Seat and moved forward. In his mind he was going over a list of Constitution Class ships that had been lost in the region. None came to mind.

"On screen." Worf pressed the appropriate commend.

The viewscreen focused on an area ahead and to the left of the Enterprise. The view itself continued to clear as the sensors continued to adapt to the region. There was no mistake, she was a Constitution. Post 2271 refit configuration.

"Magnify." The screen pulled in tighter. Stanton's mouth dropped when he saw the name and hull number. "It can't be."

Both Commander MacKenzie and Seven of Nine stood up from their seats on either side.

"What is it boss?" MacKenzie inquired taking a position to the captain's right.

"The Eagle." Seven noticed immediately. During her time aboard the Missouri, and now the Enterprise Stanton had told her a number of stories from his ten tours as Eagle's captain. He even walked her through a holodeck replica. Of all his commands she was the one he was the most proud of. She could see the look in his eyes. One of disbelief, excitement, and curiosity. For a moment a man that was just just about four hundred years old looked like a child filled with wonder. She couldn't help but smile slightly.