Sumire by HeartbreakingRomance on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

LiteratureThe Story of Enra and Samuel - Chapter 10Three days had gone by. Enra had not left her house since the attack. She refused to leave her prison of darkness. She stared up at the ceiling of her living room. The house was trashed. Furniture and objects thrown and broken out of the rage that spiked through Enra’s body. She was laying down on the floor. Bruised and scarred. She refused to heal herself. She was going to die anyways. She looked up through the tears that clogged her vision and observed the knife that she twirled between her fingers. She was ready to die. It was obvious that the Universe wanted her gone. She had nothing to live for anymore. Her precious and beloved Samuel was gone. She didn’t know if an afterlife existed or not, but she was hoping that with a clean stroke to her heart, she would see Samuel and her parents again. She broke down once more and sobbed bitterly on the floor. Her carpet was stained with tears and blood, artwork of her misery. She clawed and scratched at herself. She screamed. There wasn’t any point for any further agony. She readied the dagger and raised it above her chest, but just when she was about to leave this world, she heard a knock at her door. She didn’t look at it. She continued to look at her dagger pointed at her, thinking that maybe she just heard something. Another knock. She slowly turned her head and looked at the front door. “Hello!?”, she heard a voice say outside. She blinked for a moment and put down the dagger and got up, limping as she did so. She dragged herself over to the front door and opened it. When she did, she looked down and saw a Kaijudite dressed in dark red and iron, wearing goggles and an assortment of tools strapped across his belt. He looked like Samuel! “U-uh, greetings y-your majesty!”, the Witherdite said nervously, bowing awkwardly. Enra didn’t say anything and looked at him with puzzlement. “My name is Crossbones”, the Witherdite said, “I am second in command and brother to General Geo of the Capital Witherdite Militia of Nuria. You must be Enra.” Enra finally decided to speak up. “Y-you, look like, Samuel”, she said slowly through her raspy blood clogged throat. “Well, I’m a Witherdite like Samuel”, Crossbones said gesturing towards himself, “Listen, your Majesty. I know about Samuel appearing here through a Nuria Portal. I know that you and he fell in love and planned to live together here. And I also know that Samuel was slain recently.” Enra slowly walked out her front door. She felt her chest burn and her fists clench. “How do you know about Samuel?”, Enra said with rage overtaking her, “how are you here? Did you send him here to die?” Crossbones backed up. “No no! Of course not!”, he said, slowly reaching for his knife, “We don’t know how Samuel arrived here either, I swear on Heroscale! We came to tell you that Samuel is alive Enra! If you would just allow us to- ““You’re lying!”, Enra screamed. She then took a deep breath and charged her fire as Crossbones took out his knife and braced for a blast. But just as Enra was about to fire, a voice stopped them. “Your Majesty, stop!” Enra then quickly drew back her breath and turned to see who it was. Vision suddenly appeared. “V-vision?”, Enra asked. “What took you so long!?”, Crossbones said shaking, “she was just about to vaporize me!” “Oh, hush you”, Vision said, “searching through books isn’t exactly a ‘in-n-out’ thing.” Vision hurried between Enra and Crossbones. “You’re Majesty Enra!”, Vision said, “this is my lifelong friend Crossbones, and he speaks truthfully!” “W-what?”, Enra said trembling. “Enra”, Vision said, “this may seem hard to believe, but we have raised your Mate Samuel from the dead. Through the power of his soul and energy from the deceased, we were successfully able to transform Samuel into an all-powerful reincarnation. He is still the same Kaijudite, but has now taken a new form. I speak truthfully as well Enra, I saw it with my own eyes.” Enra stared at them with disbelief. “No”, she said softly, “no, I-I can’t believe this. H-how can someone die and live again?” “The energy of our worlds and souls can work in miraculous ways dear Enra”, Vision said, “and today, it has brought to life a great fallen warrior. Please, you must come with us Enra, Samuel is waiting for you.” Enra backed up slowly and fell down to her knees. Tears flooded her eyes again. “Even if my hubby is alive, what will it matter if were reunited? Every time something precious is given into my life, it’s taken from me.” She began to cry softly. Vision walked over to her and embraced her warmly. Enra hugged back and sobbed into his shoulder. “Princess Enra”, Vision said, “we all are only mortal. We can only control what happens to us so much. Sometimes, grief, and tragedy, plagues the innocent. Sometimes justice isn’t dealt accordingly to wrong doers. Its just how life is. But let these things not shadow the joys of being alive and thriving with what we have. Something isn’t beautiful or precious because it lasts. Its precious when we make it precious, even if its just for a little while. We learn to cherish the small things and learn to take hold firmly of what’s ours. Samuel and you, you both have a firm hold on each other. You two are the missing pieces to each other’s puzzles. Only if you two are reunited, never, will either of you depart from the other.” He took her hand in his, “I promise.” Enra looked into Vision’s blue eyes with courage, with strength…with hope. “Samuel is alive?”, she asked genuinely for the first time. “Come see for yourself dear Princess”, Vision said. Enra wiped her eyes and rose up. “Take me to him then”, Enra said smiling, “take me to Samuel.” “Uhm, not to rain on anyone’s parade”, Crossbones jumped in, “but how exactly do we get back to Nuria? I’ve read books, and the Endralite Dragon needs to be slain in order for the Endralite Portal to take us home.” “Oh dear”, Enra said. “I have an idea”, Vision said, “I’m not sure if it will work, but it’s worth a try.” “What is it Vision?”, Enra asked. “I have the ability to teleport between worlds, including whatever is in my hands”, Vision replied, “if I hold onto your hands, then maybe we can teleport to Nuria together. It’s a risky maneuver however, it has never been done before.” “No no”, Crossbones said, “in theory it should work! Let’s give it a try!” At that, the three then took hold of each other’s hands, as Vision began to glow a bright purple, particles emitting from his body as he prepared to teleport. And with a quick ghostly warp, the three suddenly vanished from thin air, leaving not a trace behind. An Undead Piglidite was casually standing around a plain of Nurrack, snortingly lazily as it stumbled and trembled against its own decaying body. Then suddenly, Enra appeared above the Piglidite and fell flat on its body. The Piglidite squealed as it was crushed by Enra’s large posterior. “Woah!”, Enra yelped feeling her body to make sure it was all still attached to her, “that was weird.” Suddenly, Crossbones and Vision appeared from the same spot Enra appeared, Vision gracefully landing on his feet as Crossbones tumbled onto the ground. “That was the weirdest thing I’ve ever felt”, Enra said still rubbing her body, “but hey, it worked!” Vision looked at his hands. “I…suppose it did”, Vision said shocked and chuckling a bit. Enra got up off the squashed Piglidite and looked down at it with pity. Crossbones finally got up as well, dusting himself off. “I’m absolutely thrilled and glad that that worked in all”, he said, “but I’m not so sure I want to do that again.” After Enra made sure that the Piglidite she squashed was alright, she turned her attention to the environment around her. It was all so…red. There was fire and lava everywhere. There was a muggy fog that blocked her view of the horizon. Lava falls she observed to be dripping down from an unviewable ceiling above. “This…”, Enra said, “is Nuria?” “Indeed it is Enra”, Crossbones said, “but let not the bizarre and majestic landscapes take away from the fact that this world is littered with war.” “Samuel told me there was war in this world”, Enra said. “Exactly”, Crossbones responded, “which reminds us that a legion of hostile Piglidites are going to be attacking our military camp sometime today, so we need to hurry back.” “Is Samuel there!?”, Enra said, her eyes widening. “He is your Majesty”, Vision said taking hold of her arm and smiling. “Come on, lets hurry”, Crossbones said. The three then started to make their way towards the Capital Nuria fortress. Along the way, Enra was able to admire all the other wondrous beauties of this world as well. She saw strange red Kaijudite swimming in the lava lakes. She saw large white Kaijudite in the sky with tentacles making eerie noises above. In the distance, looking through the muggy fog, she could see red and blue forests of trees. Wait. Those trees! They were the ones she saw in Endralite. She began to wonder whether the two worlds were connected somehow. And as she finished gazing upon a herd of large bulky pig looking creatures nearby, she saw a large fortress looming in the distance. “Huh”, Crossbones said, “I guess we teleported literally right outside the camp. You know your stuff Vision.” “I speak truthfully my friend”, Vision said, “I didn’t know we would teleport this close.” “Hey, why are those Witherdites lined up in front of the camp?”, Enra said pointing to the army standing in front of the camp entrance. “That’s our militia Enra”, Crossbones said, “they’re preparing for battle because- “Just then, Crossbones was cut off by a loud war horn blasting through the landscapes. To the east of the front entrance of the camp, a wall of Piglidites emerged and rose from behind a hill. The wall of Kaijudite roared and cried battle cries, all shouting furious oinks and squeals, raising their swords, and clanking their armor together lighting up the legion with sparks. “The siege!”, Crossbones cried. From where they were standing, they could see that General was standing in front of the Witherdite army. He then withdrew his axe from his back holster and raised it high, with the army doing the same with theirs. “CHARGE!!!”, they heard him say. Then suddenly, the Piglidites and Witherdites charged forward at one another. “We have to get you inside the palace to safety your Majesty!”, Vision said. “Can’t you just fly over there?”, Crossbones said. “My wings are broken”, Enra said. “I can try and teleport you inside the palace your Majesty, but I have to be within a certain distance”, Vision said. The three looked around, all the terrain around the battle in front of them was either too harsh or guarded by Piglidite soldiers. “It doesn’t look like there’s an easy way around”, Enra said. “Well have to push through the battle then”, Crossbones said withdrawing his sword, “I’ll clear you two a path. Keep close!” Crossbones then proceeded forward with Enra and Vision following close behind. “Keep your heads low!”, Crossbones said, “We’ll pass through the Witherdite army!” The three then entered the warfare. There was shouting, screaming, metal clanking and bashing, and blood everywhere. Enra tried not to look around, but when she peaked above her, she saw multipleKaijudite falling slain to the ground. The sight was horrific. It brought back the memories that kept her up at night. Blood. The fire… Enra stood frozen in fear as she looked around, seeing limbs being torn and swords being driven deep within flesh. Crossbones and Vision didn’t notice she stood behind until sometime. “What the heck is she doing!? Enra!”, Crossbones yelled. “She’s frozen in fear. Hang on your Majesty!”, Vision said running towards Enra. “Vision watch out!”, Crossbones yelled. Just as Vision reached Enra, loud whistling was heard over head. When Vision looked up, he saw hundreds of flaming arrows raining down. Vison then tackled Enra to the ground and let the arrows hit his back. Enderlites had a defense mechanism however, that would teleport them out of an area if their scales detected a projectile at close proximity. Vision protected Enra from the arrows but was teleported a way away. Just then, Enra regained focus and looked around. Suddenly, a Piglidite Solider creeped his way through the unsuspecting Soldiers and came face to face with Enra. The two stared at each other, Enra with fear, and the Piglidite with a thirst for blood. The Piglidite then squealed and raised its sword to strike Enra. “Princess Enra!”, Vision yelled. But before the Piglidite could strike, a series of explosion rained down upon the battlefield. Hitting the Piglidite with it. Everyone looked up to see a large hulking figure fly through the air. It was monstrous and black, and it had three heads! The creature then fired flaming skulls out of its mouths and exploded as they hit the ground below. The creature was targeting the Piglidite Legion. It rained down the fire and sulfur upon the legion, wiping vast numbers out swiftly. There were multiple cries amongst the Piglidites, to which some of the surrounding Witherdite Soldiers interpreted. “The legion is retreating!”, multiple said. “Advance!”, others began to shout. The army pressed forward, swinging, and striking at the fleeing squealing Piglidites, as the black monster rained fire down form the sky. Vison then ran over to Enra, taking hold of her and escorted her towards the Fortress. When they got to safety, she looked up in awe at the creature, trying to get a better look. She squinted and saw a glimpse of its face. No. It wasn’t. Could it be? “Yeah Samuel!”, Crossbones yelled raising his fist. “Samuel!”, Enra said with awe. And as the last of the Piglidites began to fight back, the Witherdite army, along with Samuel’s firepower overpowered them, and the legion was thus defeated. Dozens of Piglidite guards were seen fleeing from the hill they had emerged from. The army of Witherdites, although bruised and battered, raised their swords in unison and shouted victorious battle cries. They all clapped and cheered as they watched as Samuel slowly floated down from the air and into the army. “Samuel”, Enra said softly, “Samuel!” She then ran from the camp entrance towards the crowd. “Enra wait!”, Crossbones said. Vision simply smiled and ran behind her. Enra couldn’t believe it, it was Samuel, he was alive! “Samuel!”, she cried again. Samuel raised his head up as he heard the shouting of Enra in the distance. “Enra?”, he asked himself, “Hey, you guys, move aside a bit.” The Soldiers moved aside in confusion, looking around trying to see what he was referring to. And as they did, Enra emerged from behind them, standing at a distance in front of Samuel. Both of their eyes widened, as they caught sight of each other. They stood in silence as the soldiers watched. Samuel then began to walk forward, his other two heads that fired the skulls shrinking and folding into his back. Bones clattered as he walked, his mighty footsteps shaking the ground around him. Enra walked forward as well. The two didn’t take their eyes off of each other the entire time they walked, until they came face to face. Enra looked up this time to Samuel, who had grown to be significantly bigger now. Enra reached up to touch his face. The scar on his cheek was still there. “Samuel?”, Enra asked softly, her voice trembling. “Enra”, Samuel said, taking hold of her hands smiling, “you’re alright. I thought, I thought the Diamondback killed you.” “I killed him”, Enra said, “how are you alive?” “I don’t know”, Samuel said, looking at himself, “this is all so weird to me. Only Crossbones knows how I was brought back.” He looked over behind Enra to smile at Crossbones, who awkwardly smiled back. “I thought I lost you”, Enra said smiling, but tears still forming within her eyes, “why did you have to die for me?” “I’m a solider”, Samuel said, “Its what I was trained to do. Protect the ones I love.” “A solider indeed”, General said behind him. Samuel turned to look at General, who was cleaning his blood-stained axe with a cloth. “The finest amongst all of us I believe”, General said looking around at the surrounding soldiers. Most of the soldiers nodded their heads, while some wore a face of doubt. “Crossbones!”, General called, “come here for a second.” Crossbones awkwardly hopped his way over to General. “Soldiers!”, General shouted, “here before you stands a legendary warrior.” He raised his hand to gesture towards Samuel. “Who like you, was but a lonely noble solider”, General continued, “who displayed the most amount of courage, strength, and perseverance, I have ever seen. But now he has been transformed, into something greater. A prophesied, bringer of peace. An Alpha, Witherdite. With which among you, has been nothing, but a myth, a legend. But now he has been brought into existence. And he is here, to lead us, to a brighter future.” He gestured towards Crossbones to hand him the book that explained the prophecy of the Alpha Witherdite, to which Crossbones quickly handed it to him. He then raised the book high to where all the soldiers could see it. “Here within this book!”, he continued, “our forefathers and ancestors, wrote, that if an Alpha Witherdite were to ever be constructed, only from the greatest of us, that they were to be crowned, and bowed to, as King! And who better than a warrior to take this place, then Samuel.” He once again gestured and pointed towards Samuel, who was looking around the crowd seeking any signs of approval. “For the longest time”, General continued, gesturing towards himself, “all you have had, was me. But I will not always be all the leader you need me to be. Our race is the only one of all of Nuria, that is without a Kingdom. A broken, unorganized army. But I believe that Samuel can repair what is broken. A King, that can transform us as he was transformed, into a mighty Kingdom. I see that many of you do not agree that it is Samuel’s place to take the role of King, but I do. So, if none of you will bow to Samuel, let me be the first!” General then reached to his head and removed his helmet, then drew his axe from his back. He stabbed the blade into the ground below and mounted his helmet on top the handle. He then walked forward up to Samuel, and got down on his knee, and bowed. A silent whisper of murmurs and gasps emitted from among the soldiers that surrounded them. Even Samuel was amazed. General bowed to no one, and of all people, he was bowing to Samuel. “I’m with you Samuel!”, a Solider in the crowd suddenly said, immediately bowing.More soldiers spoke up and bowed. “Right here Samuel! With ya’ all the way! Over here! - “Suddenly all the soldiers began bowing and pledging their allegiance to their new King, almost as if a wave in the ocean, the soldiers removed their helmets and bowed. Vision and Crossbones also bowed, with Visiongoing as far as throwing his head down. Samuel then turned to look down at Enra who smiled and took hold of his face and kissed his lips softly. She then slowly got down and bowed as well. Samuel then burst out laughing as he quickly took hold of Enra and took off into the sky with her. The two soared high into the air, Enra laughing as well, spinning, and performing flips. The two royal Kaijudite snuggled into one another. At last, Enra was with Samuel for good. At last Samuel was with Enra. As ready as Samuel was to give up his world to be with Enra, she was just as ready. Enra knew Vision would return to care for her broken world. She knew that someday in the future, she would repair her home. But none of that mattered to her right now. She was here with Samuel. This, would be her new home. With that, Samuel hoisted her up in the Nuria sunlight, just like under the moonlight in Endralite, and brought her in for a deep kiss. General then looked up and threw his arms up. “Long live the King!”, he shouted. The Soldiers then lifted their swords and shouted in unison. “Long live the King!” To Be Continued...