Furious fire Willow by Hekkoto on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

BURN~ burn~ I will burn down everything~

Ah yes~ This is what furious Hekkoto does! Fieeeeery art~ haha, now I feel much better, I put there all my negative emotions, my anger, fury, I let it flow, I must say now I feel great! Art really heals, thats why art is so important in my life~ oh and I really wanted draw Willow, she is my fav from Dont Starve :> I also love Wendy but I cant play too good as her, Willowis so pleasing easy :> and I just love burn things :> how many times I 'accidentally' burnt half of map cause I just wanted burn few trees but didnt cared about stuff around ;p

my dear supporters who makes it all possible: TheChelaxian, Lady_Creepy_Chan, Niko, **Frustrated Cartoons