Centaur Chibis by HenLP on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

HenLP on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/henlp/art/Centaur-Chibis-640018635HenLP

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HenLP's avatar

Published: Oct 14, 2016


Given a recent OPM chapter, I was compelled to draw chibi versions of Centorea Shianus (Monster Musume) and Drive Knight (One-Punch Man). Because why not, I like centaurs, I think they're cool.

Coincidentally, these two are examples of me managing to do something cool in spite of half-assing it; and another of the top tier of my lineart/colorization abilities right now. I'll let you figure out which is with.

Image size

1050x683px 471.67 KB

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