among the old houses by HeretyczkaA on DeviantArt (original) (raw)
HeretyczkaA on DeviantArt
Deviation Actions
Published: Nov 2, 2012
Image size
3720x2800px 10.02 MB
Shutter Speed
1/200 second
Date Taken
Sep 2, 2012, 11:47:23 AM
I love what you have chosen as your subject material-- I don't want you to give up any secrets, but how did you achieve such minimal contrast between shadow and sunlit areas in this photo? Something I like in all your photography is the way you are somehow able to bring emphasis to the "textural" details in all your work. As an artist I like to emphasize or bring attention to detail and texture. Again, don't give away your "trade secrets", but is Photoshop a factor in your work?
I really think you have a good eye for composition/design. You are most definitely talented. I think you need to show your work to the business world; Advertising, government/non-governmental tourist promotional agencies, etc. I can see art directors appreciating your photography- and I speak as a professional photographers son! Maybe you can be paid/supported in your travels around the world? The best thing you can do is to submit your work to as many professionals as you are able. You can buy names/addresses/contact information of all agencies that might be interested in your work. Magazine editorial information can be found on the credits page-(usually the first or second page inside the publication.) You will receive real-world advice, knowledge and advance yourself as an excellent photographer! Best luck!