Brandon Lost the Plot by Hereward on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Requested by BrandonTheBronyPony.

Brandon was incredibly eager to actually have the opportunity to meet the new Princess, though it wasn't official in any capacity. He'd earlier concluded that, to truly meet her one-on-one, he'd have to sneak into her residence during the night and surprise her in her personal study. However it so happened that Twilight had been tweaking some of the enchantments that her new home came with, teasing out the security protocols and, most fascinating of all to her, the internal expansion charms that made the whole domicile much larger on the inside than could be accounted for the external footprint and visible floors. The result of this led to some crossed wires when she fell asleep in the middle of the library, thus as Brandon crept in through a convenient window and settled in upon the chair he recognised as the one Twilight would've been using, there was a major thaumaturgical surge that crashed right upon him.

By the time Brandon came to it was daytime. Dazedly he gazed around at the vast edifice he was in, puzzling as to what room would be so grand when there were major *THUD*s coming from somewhere that he had trouble discerning. It was only as those sounds transitioned into suppressed *BOOM*s and the ground trembled with each occurrence that he realised they were giant hoofsteps. Looking around once more he realised that he was exactly where he was when he'd been knocked out, but he'd been cut down considerably to the point that he was sure there wasn't a single creature in Fluttershy's care that was smaller than him. Before he could find a way down from the seat he heard the sound of a door opening magnified beyond his comprehension and he looked up to see a sight that made his jaw drop, positively tharn with a conflict of fear for his life and adoration for the towering figure of Twilight Sparkle that lumbered towards him.

She was gargantuan! Brandon couldn't quite figure if she'd be as big as Canterlot Mountain if he were normal-sized at this juncture, but seeing her strolling towards him with massive, earth-shaking hoofsteps that forced him to lie down both terrified and enthralled him. Before he knew it she loomed right over him, her face scrunched up in weary resignation as she looked down upon the desk at the accumulation of papers she had to peruse. Brandon tried to call out, but the cocktail of feelings flowing through him rendered him mute as he watched her great looming backside come barrelling down upon him. He braced himself for the end, but instead of being outright crushed by the giant Princess he had the wind squeezed out of him, struggling to get air as she made herself comfortable, smothering him beneath her bottom.

Twilight started when she heard a peculiar squeak that seemed to be halfway between a tiny creature and the sound made by one of Pinkie's more old-timey gags. "Anypony there?" She called out, still sat and leaving her unexpected guest in a position that made it impossible for him to answer. Puzzled by this anomaly in her morning routine Twilight finally got to her hooves and wandered over to the door, glancing into the hallway, wondering who could possibly be here at this hour without their being overt about it. On her backside Brandon took in as many breaths as he could while the lavender strands and deep skin held him firmly, an unwitting prisoner to the colossal mare who'd got the drop on him without even knowing.

Uses vectors from The inside of Friendship Castle, Twi Big Butt and When World Meets Pony.