(Nature) Major God - Aphrodite [Greek/Roman] by Hiroshi25 on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

When one thinks of Nature, they will most likely think of Gods like Demeter, Pan, Persephone and even Dionysos. One will never think of Aphrodite. Yet, Aphrodite is the Goddess to take a place within the council of the Element of Nature and the reasons have come to be accepted over the eons.

Aphrodite is the Goddess of Love and Beauty, but also the Goddess of Procreation and Fertility. Her symbols include many aspects of nature, such as doves, swans, roses and sparrows. Her birth is always indicated with the presence of seashells, the seas and flowers. To many, this may be but a weak link to tie Aphrodite to Nature, when she has always been thought of just a beautiful face who affects the hearts and minds of others through love and sex. But what they don't know is that the Element of Nature is also known as the Web of Life and the Element of Love. Love and Life are intertwined and Nature requires these two aspects in order to thrive. With Demeter taking a seat in the Element of Earth and Persephone following in her mother's footsteps, it is only natural that Aphrodite claim hers in the Element of Nature.

All of nature bends to Aphrodite's beck and call. She is able to call all animals to her with hardly any effort, and even the creatures under the flag of Nature respects her plenty, for Aphrodite is the raw power of Nature, with her control over love and sex. Some say that a thick mist of pheromones constantly surround the Goddess and this pheromones make everyone, humans and beasts alike, go crazy. In battle, Aphrodite is always calm and laid-back, hanging out in the back with the Guardian of Nature. But when her eyes suddenly glow green or pink, she means business. Chaos will erupt all over the battlefield but only on the enemies' side as her victims go crazy with desire and lust. Her powers are therefore not dissimilar to Dionysos, but instead of causing madness, she makes her victims go weak with pleasure, becoming easy pickings for the armies of Nature.

She blesses the Unicorns, Dryads and Hippogriffs with her powers, creatures of beauty and yet has deadly powers locked within.

Tier: God, God of Procreation and Fertility, Love and Beauty

Rank: Major God, Greek/Roman

Greek/Roman Minor Gods: Pan - God of the Wild, Rhea - Goddess of Motherhood, Chloris - Goddess of Spring