black lion by hobbitfreak on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

hobbitfreak's avatar

Published: Jan 4, 2007


Had a dream somehow involving a solid black lion with bright yellow eyes this afternoon. Someone else was with me when this thing appeared and was about to attack (I woke up before it got to me.) but I don't know who he was. I think he was wearing white, though, or some other light color. The whole thing was really vague, but I remember this lion clear as day.
Weird shit, man. Especially since it's the second lion I've dreamt about in a month or two. The first one was female, and normally colored, though. This one was a younger male with a smaller mane. And he didn't just have black fur. He was a plain, solid black. A giant moving ink-stain. It was like he was illustrated or animated right into the dream. Which was actually kinda cool, heh.

Ref used from gettyimages.
Giving Deleter a spin on the new laptop. It's very nice, I'm pleased. I just need a job. So I can get a nice tablet. Yey.

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